delete please
Knocked out 3/8H quickly and our reclear. Still looking for recruits.
Super duper need a lovely mage!
Still recruiting updated needs.
Prot pally/dh tank here. Just transferred to illidan.
4/8H, looking for some DPS pumpers!
Still need some RDPS!
I just moved from other server to Illidan,. am BM hunter , 4set (5 even :)) and am 6/8H
add Tripp#0729 on discord if you’re still interested
Downed Kurog tonight! Looking for some solid dps to round out our DPS
Sent friend request let me know
Updated our roster needs - aside from welcoming any exceptional player inquiries, the only thing we need to round out buffs is a monk, preferably dps
Killed Dathea and Diurna tonight! Need some more solid players to round out our 20 for mythic!
Still looking for players to round out our roster!
Friend request sent
Still need a flex healer/dps? I’ve been pugging since I hit 70 and am looking for a guild. Currently 395 as both Resto/Ele, hard time finding heroic pugs.
Still recruiting for a remaining few spots!
Still need some healers!
Hi! Interested.
Holy priest and dabble in shadow.
5/8H experience.
Add Tripp#0729 on Discord