Delete Please

Ya know what?..That’s fair :slight_smile:

Elon Musk is so named because, of all the billionaires, he is the muskiest by far.

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Some say he is a Musky Husky :wolf:


That’s a lot of words for an objectively wrong opinion.


Had no idea who Elon Musk was 5 years ago and then his name was everywhere



He’s the son of Apartheid-era South African Emerald Mine owners.

You dodged literally everything and replied with “BuT mUh PRONOUNS”.

I’m not mis-gendering him. Nice dodge. She can literally change his own name to Chonormi but he doesn’t. Blizzard maintains him as a male Dragon but she’s female in visage all the time. So they can’t switch back and forth to accommodate this with her because just as you and many people would have no clue who tf I was referring to in this post it’s confusing.

So they stuck with she/her with him. Get over it.

Yikes it sucks being really pale. I can relate

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I have two pale huskies. They are grey and white. One husky is black and tan though.

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I’m just going to pull this one bit out, because it’s really kind of endemic to the mindset that drove the entire rest of your post…

The character is fictional. It’s not a person who has independent thoughts and feelings. It’s a character that is being written by writers.

The writer said that the character refers to themselves as she/her in both Visage and dragon form now. That’s not up for debate, that’s what he said, and he gets to decide until someone else takes over as head story dev.

You can debate that that may or may not make the character “trans” as we understand it in the modern world with no magical transformation, whatever. But what it does not do is make the character someone who should be referred to as ‘he’ or male. Because the person who made the story and who gets to do that because they are the story writer for the company that makes the game that the character appears in says so.

You are free to not like that he said so, or that he wrote this story, or what his politics are, or think that putting a character that is trans-coded in the game is ‘woke’ or whatever, those are all…opinions. That people are sure to have. But Chromie identifying as female in both her Gnome and Dragon forms is fact. It’s stone.

Because the lead story developer said so. Period.


And how much lore is built upon the actions and dialogue of a fictional character without needing to hear it directly from Blizzard/the writers/developers themselves?

No. He didn’t. Read it again, he just says “is referred” to as before and afterwards. Not that Chronormu did. It’s just a narrative perspective to clear up confusion for readers. Like I said.

Mmmmmmmmmmm…nope? There’s no ‘referred to as’. He even said that the pronoun use was deliberate.

And even if you believed that was true, then why are you still referring to the character as he/him? :woman_shrugging:


The only thing Chromie is to me is a future loot pinata and DK mount.

You want to mount Chromie ?

NGL I’d be here for a Dark Chromie arc.

This entire thing just reminds me of Bridget. The literal story guy tell you “Chromie/Bridget is trans” and you still wont accept it.

People wonder why it feels like LGBTQ+ representation is “shoved in your face” when if they dont literally shove it people keep denying and playing the “she isnt trans” or “no they are just good friends/roomates”.


Literally right in front of you. Oh my god I’m surrounded by children that refuse to realise they are drowning ambiguity with their own internal emotions.

Following from the pragraph above clarifying that the pronoun usage is done deliberately is the paragraph then clarifying the state by which this was used. “Prior to Visage Day ceremony, Chronormu is he/him. Afterwards, she/her in both mortal and dragon forms.”



Why are you still arguing? It’s very clear. Do we need to get into an extended explanation of what the word “is” means?


Yep. Chromie needs to stand in game with a giant neon sign saying “trans” and then people would still be like, “maybe she means transportation??”