Delete Please

Same here. Wife and I killed all 10 bosses. Did not get credit for Sire. Someone managed to get credit killing the boss a second time. Going to give it a try…

Edit* Confirmed that re-killing Sire gave the credit. Should not have to do so…but with the work around of “logging in a going to Oribos” not working…this did.

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I did a full run on my main and got full credit for 10 bosses. I did a full run in LFR on my alt and only got credit for 8 bosses. I don’t know why this hasn’t been fixed yet and I’m getting really frustrated.

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I have 5 toons that have full cleared this week. The most recent being an hour ago. 3 of them show less than 10 kills on the quest. I do not want the week to roll over and not show credit for these kills. Seems fairly easy to look at our kills and give us credit no ?

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No blue post response for this yet?

That I know of, only the two that I linked in the OP.

Note - Rekilling a boss in LFR may NOT always give you credit still. It may take more than one try in some cases.

I did sire like 2 times in LFR and didn’t get credit until I did Heroic Sire.

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I’m concerned about this as well. It’d be nice to get confirmation that Blizzard is aware of the issue and working on a fix.


Had the same issue with my shaman. Killed Sire and no quest credit for Crossing Fate. Killed world boss in Revendreth, no credit there either despite it being fated and a raid boss. Killed Sire in LFR again, still no credit. So now on 9/10… I would have thought this would have been fixed by now.

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Still have this issue as well.


After reset I’m still at 9/10 bosses.


after a lot of frustration I got the 10/10 after doing some lfr wings multiple times to get the credits, now the moment I set foot on the sanctum normal, the quest got reseted back to 0/0…


Same, still 9/10 for Nathria after reset yesterday, so still broken. Blue post, please, to at least let subscribers know it’s still being worked on?


Maybe a blue post that says “Sorry for the frustration! Check your mail for 1 free dinar token for messing up your progress.” Then hopefully in the meantime they can figure out what is wrong and why it isn’t tracking. I’ve lost count of how many fated kills I have at this point.

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A blue post would be really nice.

I just want to point out that you can only get 10 credits a week, so nobody is more than 20/30 on their quest.

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That doesn’t happen in Bug Reports.

You post to report bug. QA forwards the bug report to developers. Developers fix bug at their discretion and according to their schedule and priorities.

At no point does a Blizzard employee offer assurances, consolation, promises, or feedback.

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I know that. I just said it would be nice to see one.

Really? WoW!

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I’m worried.

Should I stop running my characters through these raids until it is fixed?

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I would not count on getting credit for past bosses killed if their first “fix” didn’t work for you by visiting Oribos. I would raid and cross your fingers for credit.

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Going to do some cross-linking here, since a post over in CS had Vrak tagging in to share that it is something still being worked on. There is currently a “known issue” article up:


Does it count towards the quest if you are dead when the boys is killed I got 28 out of 30 after doing all 3 sections and killing all 30 bosses. Was dead when 2 we’re killed.