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Hi, we are Sanctification. We run keys daily. Our raid is Wed/Sun 7:30-10pm. 2/11 normal. Friendly and fun oriented guild for everyone.
You can contact Haruspexx, Chaosramda, Haviks, Gingeraholy, Drdeathmage, Nezitate, in game
battlenet = Chaosramda#1852
Give us a try! Merci (Alliance) we raid Mon/Wed 9pm-11:30pm ET we are currently rebuilding our raid team but are 4/12 so far in this raid tier. We generally get AOTC each raid. We are fun, goofy etc but are serious when we need to be. Most of us have been raiding together for a few years now. This is a longer post with more info about us in the forum for Dalaran. We also run mythic + pretty often! Message Sharkqweesha or Dalethir in game or respond here if you have any other questions!