Delete mythic +

Same, dude. Legion was great, but they keep trying to put things in the game that aren’t M+. Hopefully they can right the ship in Dragonflight and stop wasting time with open world and raids and focus their efforts where they should.

No, people that don’t try to get other people’s content destroyed. I have faith being a jerk and wanting to ruin the game for people is relegated to only a loud few.

we’re not the 1 yelling to remove any aspect of the game :thinking:

the removal of said content benefits all the game and players as a whole

Legion wasn’t even great for quite some time after launch. Even what was good is still somewhat propped up by being bookended by WoD and BfA. It wasn’t bad mind you, it was even good, but I don’t think it was quite great. Of course, YMMV.

Yeah, raid logging is the best. Why bother making other things to do when we can go back to WoD? People can log in for 6 hours a week to raid and just not bother the rest of the time. Perfect system. Must’ve been why WoD was such a successful and highly respected expansion.

M+ is NOT content.

Imagine saying they should stop open world when the game is literally called World of Warcraft. The focus of this game should always be the open world and community where players meet up to enjoy an MMO. Instances will always be the smallest part of the game. It’s time for the Devs not to be lazy because they can’t afford another expansion like SL. They need to develop actual content in DF.

I am pulling for the Devs, I really am but they have to make a lot of changes and hope they listen this time to win back the players trust.

You have yet to show any evidence that this is the case.


it’s a hypothetical.

if the content were removed, everyone would benefit.

but yes, bye.

If you were removed everyone would benefit as well.

you guys tried by false flagging the thread and failed so, i guess not

I didn’t flag it, but nice try.

M+ IS content. Just because you type a thing doesn’t make it true.

Obviously they should remove open world content. It’s called World of Warcraft after all, and apparently bolding a single word makes my entire argument for me. Can’t wait for all the M+ seasons in DF where I can continue to get the best gear in the game without having to carry all the half dead bodies through more raid encounters.

the game needs more chill overall. i honestly liked wod, since i started during it

WoD had the potential to be one of the best expansions. Unfortunately they dropped the ball.

Good news, most of the playerbase doesn’t share your opinion, and WoD was the steepest dropoff in players overall. It was such a great expansion that Blizzard decided to stop sharing active subscription numbers during it. Swell!

M+ would’ve saved WoD.

Wrong. M+ is an activity… a boring one at that but to each their own. However M+ is NOT content. It was explained and talked about in the M+ Mega thread and you can read up on it there.

Now you know and knowing is half the battle.

The core feature of the game? Really who is trolling here :man_facepalming:

mythic plus needs to be deleted because it serves to foster toxicity in the game. more than raiding and pvp combined. pvp is contained in pvp. raiding is contained in raiding. mythic plus toxicity and mentality seeps to all the game.

M+ is content.

Exactly. If WoD had M+ and WQ/other world content for Casuals it probably would have been my favorite expansion. I loved what did exist, there just wasn’t nearly enough.