Delete mythic +

let me make this clear. If people try to do MDI pulls in there regular keys w/ pugs not in voice they’re stupid. And more often than not this is being done by players who have almost zero experience.


You can certainly do that, but it’s not close to top tier gear.

well, top tier gear as far as not having to group goes. There is always in an MMO or a game like Destiny that is going to have gear that is better that needs a group

However, what gear you can get while avoiding groups is definitely way up there in comparison to every other MMO. Maybe there is gacha MMOs that you can buy your way to the top, but no thanks lol

Ah ok, gotcha :slight_smile:

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I can understand soloing M0. But raids? Maybe there’s some madman out there who can probably do it. But that sounds extremely inefficient. And let’s look at current raid atm. Anduin will require you to split your group into upper and lower. You can skip the lower phase but I doubt you’ll be able to kill anduin that way. And if you go into the lower phase he’ll reset. And no class atm can pump out that enough numbers to beat the enrage of bosses like ragalon

So you think “Delete Rogues” is a reasonable request? :stuck_out_tongue:

with 10 stacks of determination, a full mythic bis geared blood DK might be able to solo some LFR bosses.

or just see if rextroy finds some more raid boss solo cheese (Ala N Desaugne)

yea but there’s no solo queue for current lfr atm or am I wrong?

correct, probably a 10.1 or 10.2 feature.

Normal has some bosses that would still mechanically prevent you from soloing.

My hat’s off to you OP. I thought people would see through it… People are dumber than I give em credit for :stuck_out_tongue:

What Rogues? :ninja:

:+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1:

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:

Agree they decided to push out M+ instead of making actual content so the game can flourish. That we can agree on.

My dislike doesn’t change the fact that M+ and Esports have ruined this game and if they don’t change course it will be the death of it. Alienating the majority of the player base is never a good move.

The game dropped from 12 million to <5 million before M+ ever existed. What’s your explanation for that?

maybe dont release bad expansions

I am convinced you are trolling.

after i started in wod, and loved legion, i understood why legion was the best xpac since wrath and it was not cause of mythic + it was cause the expansion had everything for everyone.

You had me going for a while. Too long I admit. I was suspicious last night, but…

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Really misleading statement. I don’t think M+ was a bad idea and it came out in a come back expansion. However that ship has sailed. M+ was never supposed to sustain WoW and that is why we have the lowest player metrics today. We have vastly less players now than when M+ came out. The fact is people are over it. So the Devs better come up with some actual content.

There are a number of reasons why SL drove the majority of it’s player base into other MMO’s the question is can Blizz win back the players trust?

well you havent convinced me that mythic plus shouldnt be deleted. thats true

delete mythic + to save the game and have new players enjoy group content again