[DELETE] Guild merged


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UPDATE: We are opening Recruitment to all classes and parties interested in Raiding, M+, PvP, or even Goldshire After Dark…

Now 8/8N and 4/8H ! Also interested in a merger with the right group.

I would not join this group or merge with this group. They are a bunch of uptight judgemental elitist jerks who have massive egos and feel that the world owes them everything they want and more

Hey my btag is tetrisguy#1895 I also have a guild on stormrage will be reaching out to chat if you are interested in talking about a merger

This guild is a mistake… asking questions about how promotions and the guild bank work are reasons for kicking people. anyone being part of this guild is making a mistake…

Join guild with promise to level healer
Be in guild less than week
Ask for promotion and access to GBank when not even max level
Get Kicked
Go whine on forums and post on a bunch of alts about how elitest they are

Less than 3 weeks ago we had theft from the gbank from a person who joined with the promise of leveling to raid, then left in the middle of the night after taking nearly 100k of supplies so I am sorry that you followed the stereotypical methodology of a scammer, but the fact you also harassed one of our female officers after getting kicked made me confident in my decision. I do hope you the best in your future endeavors.

Yes, we make mistakes but we also learn from them and try not to make them again.

When you were level 58 and not even in the guild for a week… then started asking about being promoted and having access to the guild bank… regardless of your intention… that raises a red flag.

Especially since we had someone who did the exact same thing as you… promised to level up a character to help us then, in the middle of the night, stole a bunch of Vantus runes and TBC raid pets (lol what?) and gquit.

We simply didn’t take any chances.

If we made a mistake in our judgment, then we apologize… however… posting on our recruitment posts on alts, calling us elitist jerks for taking protective measures, and just having an immature attitude about everything isn’t exactly a good look.

In my opinion, we made the right call and avoided a headache. Best of luck to whatever guild you do join, though. I hope that you prove us wrong with them.

The simple and easy thing to do that most guilds do is to allow people to see the guild bank and deposit but not withdraw until promoted.