Delete Anniversary and give us TBC fresh already

Blizzardey !!!

the people have spoken !!!

the like ratio is in “extremely high” on this topic !!!

we need TBC !!!

i guess the majority is on Anniversary FOR TBC !!! this full phased Era 2.0 → we are tired of it !

LETS GO !!! TBC Sooner than planned !!!


TBC from lvl 1 !!! new server !!! no need for pre-patch !!! the adventure !!!

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Yes with this latest screw up this server is a joke and no coming back from.

TBC fresh when

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Sooner TBC comes the sooner Wrath will come the sooner anniversary will be dead. Leave it as is.

If you kids dont keep it down, we are turning this CAR AROUND and going back to RETAIL!


Biggest waste of a post of 2025.

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Give us tbc already. Vanilla sucks


I want to play TBC


For real, no one asked for the N’th edition of classic. Are we just going to launch a new fresh realm every year now? I’d really love to see everyone start from 0 on a new TBC server, not carry over their progress from Classic. Alternatively, you could give us Classic version where I can make a Draenei Shammy on Ally. I would accept this compromise.


The people have spoken !!!

I agree with this 100%.

But I can’t believe you’re the same poster who was asking for honor ranking thresholds to be lowered.

A broken clock is still correct twice a day I suppose. :mantelpiece_clock:

i’m always on the right side, they have to delete this threshold, this truth disturb only the GDKP gear sellers → they don’t want people getting gear without paying them the taxes

What a completely random association.

No one is entitled to rank 14 gear with only a casual amount of playtime. It would completely trivialize the achievement.

say that to the AFK players/ or lvl 51 in AV/ people questing in AV → account sharing etc…

you think it’s a badass achievement but you are wrong, it’s just time spended in AV → no skill or engagement in it, only time

Edit: imagine this →

you can play 10hours per day → you lose all your fight 1v1 during 10 hours every day of the week → you gonna get R14 for it


you can play 2 hours every 2-3 days → you win all your fights 1v1 → you are not gonna get R14, only because you have less time than the noob above

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The achievement is a representation of time put in.

I acknowledge that it’s not about skill.

If you don’t put in the time, you don’t get the gear.

Lowering the threshold is just asking for shortcuts.

No, it allow somebody with a job or IRL priorites to get the rank he deserve → 418k 2-3 weeks in a row for R14 requires a lot of your time

with a 200k threshold you still have to farm the 1 million honor required for R14 but without the stress of losing your progression if IRL call you and you made 400k instead of 418k

this system is evil, purge all our IRL energy

if you can’t afford 50h/week to do 418k, you lose all progression and have to restart

cut the threshold in a half 209k → an adult with responsabilities can get the rank 14 he deserve in 6weeks while a tryhard 418/500k still get it in 2-3weeks

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These ranking weeks don’t even have to be done successively / in a row anymore.

You could definitely get close to rank 12 with casual playtime, and then you can pick like one week every few months to take some time off work and finish up the rest of the grind.

That’s how it USED to be, but it’s not even like that anymore.
If you don’t make it in a given week, your current rank just stays exactly where it is. There is no decay on your rank.

All the weeks used to have to be done in a row and it was possible to actually lose rank if you couldn’t put in enough time.

Ranking has already been significantly altered to cater to casuals, but your last few weeks are still supposed to be a serious commitment.

I’m sorry for you if IRL obligations won’t facilitate you being able to reach caps this high in a given week, but on the flip side there was an absolute explosion of people hitting rank 14 after the system was changed… so it’s very evidently been made much easier than it used to be.

The ranking grind might just not be for you if you simply don’t have enough playtime, but it shouldn’t be that impossible to take time off every couple of months to make the push if you really wanted to.

i said enough with this line

418k in a row of AV boss farming is evil

you can completly ignore PvPing with this “PvP” ranking system →

→ Edit: it’s wednesday 7:30am in EU when i wright this → there is ~25 AV going and 1 Warsong

people are as you say →

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If you spent as much time farming honor as you do writing elaborate forum posts, you would have been rank 14 months ago. :woman_facepalming:

Rank 14 is only deserved by those who put the time in to reach it. Nothing about being an adult nor having responsibilities inherently makes someone deserving.

You aren’t really supposed to be able to hit 500k honor in a week without dedicating your whole week to it. That’s part of the achievement.

Ok AV princess

you don’t understand AV boss farm is not worth 15$/month

Warsong and Arathi is worth 15$/month

you little princess will find your charming prince, keep hope and enjoy your Drek/Vandar endless loop

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Thank you. I hope he does not turn out to be a frog when we kiss :frog:

I have ranked one character under the original system and one character under the new system. Alterac Valley is my favorite battleground and I still play it for fun so I would be okay with an endless Drek/Vandar loop within my WoW playtime.