Delay MC by another 3 weeks

Let people with no lives raid on Dec 12. You can raid in January with other people who are ready in January.

So simpo


don’t release any raids leave as is

This so isn’t true? I have 52, 27 and a 15? I haven’t even been going hard at all and most of it is duo leveling so even slower XP rate. It’s just that people probably aren’t using guides as much or are doing dungeons.

That is pure cope, you are 100% going hard if you have a 52, 27, and 15. And no thats not because you are using a guide, its because you are playing over 10 hours a day 7 days a week.


Its going to die at AQ like it always does anyways when the “non” raid community leaves.

So many pvp’rs that do not wan’t to raid but do not have access to decent weapons until R14.

if ur that concerned about hitting every lockout u better get off these fourms and start lvling

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The FOMO is real in the OP’s heart

How about no?

You can miss MC… it’s really not a big deal.

That being said my semi sweaty guild will barely have 40 at 60 by first raid this weekend.

Nope actually false LOL. I just use my rested well. It’s not my fault you’re slow.

Sure thing there bud. Keep convincing yourself of that.

Terrible reading comprehension. We are talking about keeping servers populated until aq instead of them dieing in 2 weeks.

Wrong, it’s going to die sooner if they don’t delay Mc.

It won’t actually

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What is the point of this? Youre all a bunch of PvE players. You just level up, grind gear and then kill bosses and then log out and dont play the game.

Doesnt matter if you miss 1 lockout or 15 lockouts. Its the same sh!t. Just kill easy bosses and then wait for them to respawn,

Kill bosses to get loot to kill bosses to get loot and never pvp so who cares about being geared asap? There is no point unless youre trying to PvP

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Let them quit

Id say middle of the pack folks are now in their 40s and 50s

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Go ask chatgpt to explain the point of this thread for you.

Enjoy your dead fresh servers than.

The point of the thread was “as if most players miss 2 to 3 resets they wont even bother continuing”

which my reply says, it doesnt matter because you’re a pver so being behind is some delusion you’ve made up. You can show up to MC with any gear anytime and clear it. So yeah maybe ask chatgpt what reading comprehension is. moron

You still have no clue what’s being discussed. And your veiled attempts at an insult of “you’re a pver” are pathetic. We all know this game is your life and you only feel successful in life when you can own people in PvP for a 20 year old game.

Its not even an insult its the truth. why is being a pve’r an insult? Nobody pvps on classic except for like 12 people. Youre a dumbass man. Good attempt as personally attacking me

You’ll have plenty of time to do MC. It’s such an easy raid.

Agreed, drag this out, I don’t wanna see tbc for at least 2 years