Delay hard modes for naxx, Delete sanctified. release the new raid for p8

I don’t get why are you rushing 2 raids, Naxx is the raid that everyone wants to play and after naxx you give us new content.

talking about my class, ret paladin, t2 and t 2.5 are top peak gameplay and make the class perfect. The enchant shoulder would just make it better, we didn’t needed a new tier tbh. Should just let us choose the old bonus we want to use in our t3 and everyone should be happy i guess.

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Agree. T2 set bonuses made the class fun to play. Tier 3 step bonuses are an utter downgrade.

Please fix ret t3 bonuses.

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Need a cap of 4 or so Sanc items,

Its the only way i can see to make old tier sets still be relevant.

Really bummed this is the way forward atm.

8 cap would allow at least for 4pc without relying on Undead Slaying as phase BIS.