Delaryn needs to be part of the story

Either Delaryn or Sira should have become the night warrior instead of Tyrande, with the undead night elves forming the core of the black army.

As it is now, having had counseling sessions with calia, they may be used to distribute the night warriors power when Tyrande is inevitably saved from her current incarnation.

Other than that I’m not interested in their story. As Benedict said, they’ll just threaten to monopolize forsaken space. See the so called forsaken warfront.


like me’dan it would be better if they just remove them from the lore, sometimes its just sunken cost keeping the character alive and a waste of developing time, undead nelves are a reminder of teldrassil and all the baggage that it implies.

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Vanilla Sylvanas



I think my “Forsaken Girl Boss Council” theory is gonna come true: Calia, Delaryn, Velonara, and Lilian


I kind of understand that, but instead of just dropping their storylines because both sides have reasons not to like them, I’d find it much more interesting to further explore exactly this dilemma in the game ( or book, maybe )
The Kaldorei Dark Rangers are literally trapped between both worlds, horde and alliance, living and dead, they are considered traitors by their former people and a source of shame for their former enemies, as you say. Why not reflect that in the story?
I still think at least Delaryn could still return, Maiev of all people begged her to so maybe the Night Elves aren’t so opposed to the idea of undead among their ranks.
Yes, she joined Sylvanas willingly and killed other Night Elves, but I think the shock of waking up in a place of eternal torment after dying in defense of your people should at least be counted as a mitigating factor.
And Tyrande even spared Sira who has arguably done worse than Delaryn.

And then there’s also that Dark Kaldorei in Shadows Rising ( who’s name escapes me atm ) who might or might not have deliberately left a trail in Arathi.

Of course it wouldn’t be easy but I can see it. Just as the Sin’dorei Dark Rangers are obviously still loyal to their people, the undead Night Elves might be too, now that Sylvanas no longer has control over them.

Or,as Benedikt suggested, let them stay with the Dark Rangers and carve their own path.

As for Derek, I would like to see something of a reversed storyline. We know he joined the horde as of Shadows Rising, but we aren’t told why and the obvious answer “because of Calia” is rather lame. Instead it could have have been an opportunity to show that there are still many prejudices towards undead among the living, and even though Jaina happily accepted her brother back this must not be true for everyone else.
Understandably too, Derek hasn’t really done anything but he was supposed to be a suicide bomber after all. He could have been met with distrust and hatred from all sides and finally decided that there was no future for him in Kul Tiras ( unless he wanted to spend the rest of his days locked away in the Proudmoore Keep like a dirty secret)

Well, that’s just my two cents on the topic. I think there are still stories to tell about them if the writers wanted to, and I would be sad to see them written out just like this. They deserve better.

Or maybe I just have a thing for lost causes :wink:



Some living are going to be more open minded. Anduin would try to hug it out with a rabid grizzly so of course he’s cool with them and as for Jania - well homegirl banged a dragon. Don’t think you’re allowed to be weirded out after that.

We also see from the Gathering younger humans are more open minded to the undead. Which tracks. Because while undead had existed in some form on Azeroth forever, a whole organized army of them was something new and terrifying for the likes of Genn or Varian.

But to Anduin or other people in his generation? They grew up in a world that simply includes kingdoms of the living dead. And the idea some of them are friendly or at least open to diplomacy is good news, rather than something to be disregarded as a dirty trick.

But you’re still going to have plenty of humans who hate the undead. Retirement homes and graveyards can unnerve people because nobody likes to look at the inevitably of the grave. The undead are actual corpses staring you right back in the eye. Some people are never going to be cool with that.

Especially in the already xenophobic and superstitious Kul Tiras.


This. After all they have witch trials and hang mothers for stealing in front of their children. And even if its not outright hatred, I’d imagine future career chances aren’t that good for undead, even if your name is Proudmoore.


Honestly, who knows what will happen to Del? While the obvious answer would be to just send her back to the NEs, its not as if her taking a role in the Dark Rangers is totally bereft of story potential. Especially with the hit they took with Sylvie, and Velonara at their helm (though, even she is just barely different than the rest of her kin, and only because of her deliberate choice to stay on AU Dranor and serve the Commander rather than head back to Sylvie). It does make me wonder what that cut story of hers was in BfA?


To be fair there are like, literal witches so it’s not an inherently outlandish thing to do. But I love how their witch hunting methods were utterly ill informed, and seemed to be more a way to degrade or outright kill a woman you don’t like than a process to sniff out dark magic.

Would’ve been easy to make it come off like Salem but this time the paranoid yokels are correct.


I’m honestly surprised she returned to begin with. I thought her entire purpose was to die. And her return is very awkward IMO.

Same.with Derek - I have no idea what they were thinking when they wrote this plot that is based on massive retcon and on plot armor at the same time.


Nah Drust witches are already dead, so if they survive things that would kill them they are, in fact, a witch :stuck_out_tongue:

But yeah I was hoping Lucille Waycrest would reveal herself to be a Good Witch or something.

I mean writing on the wall is that the Forsaken are going to be Multikingdom Undead Humans + Undead Belves + Undead Nelves.

Oh, absolutely. The Kul Tirans have good reason to be the way they are. Just pointed that out to clarify why an undead captain would probably not exactly be welcome.

To be fair, that should be no one’s entire purpose.

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The Forsaken have always been more of a loose collection of sapient undead (or close enoughs like leper gnomes) than strictly undead humans. Abominations are probably the most common example of this. They vary in intelligence but they’re sapient.

I’m not opposed to unelves persay but really they’re just not that interesting relative to the aforementioned leper Gnomes or vargul - another group of sapient undead I find it weird never joined up with the Forsaken. An army of giant zombie vikings riding plague proto drakes sounds pretty rad to me.

Honestly I think the Ghostlands would be the spot for the unelves. It’s basically an undead elf forest itself. In Lordaeron proper I hope undead humans get to lead. There’s a ton of great Forsaken characters who could use more screen time. We got two whole factions of elves as is I don’t think we need another one having their screen presence dominated by them.


Not just them but the undead blood elves too. Tranquillen should be Undead Elf Capital, so to speak.

I mean to note, when Undercity was evacuated they went to orgrimmar instead of Ghostlands, that is more suited for undead dermatological needs :stuck_out_tongue: Blizz is a hot mess


I was happy Voss pointed that out. And they have most of my poor bonebois out on the Gates of Orgrimmar. Where there’s no shade and I imagine it just has to be hellish at noon.

I felt at least they could’ve made the Cleft of Shadows a sort of Undercity Town like the Pools of Vision in Thunderbluff. I just sort of love the idea of the Forsaken taking up all the living Horde’s worst real estate.

“Theres no natural light ever, it’s also constantly damp, there’s a giant venomous spider nest, and due to a serial killer burying victims here its literally haunted”



She was meant to parallel Sylvanas, hence why her fate was set.

Now I have no idea what they want to do with her, beg other nelves for forgiveness that they joined forsaken immediately afterwards and started to kill other nelves?
Become neutral and fall to obscurity?
Join the forsaken for good and annoy the forskan playerbase even more?
Or fully repeat Sylvanas story and cause real havoc many years later?

Neither option is attractive to me.

Sure, no one liked what they did with her. Me neither. But if I had a choice I’d rather they make something good out of it instead of “yeah we messed this up now let’s sweep it under the rug and be done with it” Not that I’d trust them with that, mind you.


i mean… they can probably come back since tyrande already took sira off the hook and she was like the worst offender, the other ones would (most likely) be forgiven.

i too also consider them an unfortunate case of blizzard wanting to do a story then having no idea what to do with the loose ends.

i would like to say thats the case for most of the playerbase but i dont have any numbers to support that, all i can say is that i dont think nelf fans even wanted them to exist so of course anything involving them is going get a reaction between hated and completely apathic.

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People bring up Me’dan a lot. And yeah man draenei orc boy wizard sounds pretty dumb.

But he was just in a comic. A lot of their bad ideas are in those. Lest we forget “I’m two wolves” Varian. And I never will because I will never let them live that down.

These are characters in the game. Some of which have unique models. I don’t think Blizz is just tossing them out because people on the story forums are snarky about them. If we could e-bully them into submission I’d have my undead paladins by now.


Well, I remember you dared them to make Shaw gay so I wouldn’t be so sure about that :stuck_out_tongue:


Bullying appears to be hit or miss depending on the issue

Blood Elf boys getting jewelry failed but Tauren boys getting pretty flowers for their hair worked.

(this was clearly homophobia)
(mostly being sarcastic, mostly)