Bombing people that are just trying to enjoy their day in Silithus. No I am not a L337 gamer, yes I hit the wrong buttons and don’t always use the key binds. If you see me in the world, please camp me. 1H Ret World PVP
Go outside and have some fresh air? PvP in Sod? lmao
Not bad… major props for playing a non-meta spec. UI is kinda annoying though. =P
Dont pay no attention to the moron above me. He gave you a free bump.
Sweet dude ! For the alliance!
Thanks! It’s a lot of fun to play, and yes my UI could use some work de-cluttering haha.
Puts out 3x the damage of a dw enh sham.
Insanely epic, I have to try this. Also, why not run Hammer of the Righteous?
Seems they’re focusing on Exorcism spamming.
yeah but I feel like you can just do that with a two hander but have more damage lol
Feel like the main benefit of a shield would be avengers shield and HoR. Idk
HoR is not a bad ability but I generally have enough buttons to push that seem more beneficial. CS is always prio, then Avenger’s Shield and Exo, then I usually have CS back up. So I don’t often find a lot of use for it when I could reset exo faster or get insta HoW. All-in-all the build is super fun and versatile!
It’s the spike from judging your seals with CS (eternal’s bonus). And I think that means both Seals (T2 bonus) are judged…that’s about 2k right there from just Judgements.
And I’m not sure if Eternal’s triggers the CD on the actual Judgement ability. So you could CS-Judge then Judgement-Judge for around 4k.
*Based on my experience my judgements for SoM and SoC are around 1k. According to the FCT, but those might be crits…all I see are numbers!
It’s really bursty. In one GCD you get Crusader Strike, 2x Martyr judge, 2X Command judge.
Meme spec paladin destroying ppl with a 1h while 2h arms warriors do 0 dmg
Fair and balanced.
I will agree with you here on the Arms warrior thing. =(
Beyond based, purge this filth from silithus brother