Definitive Blood Deathknight Guide for PVP 10.1 Dragonflight


Amatox needs this.


Why not just go abductor build and legit kidnap healers

20000 grips and 200000 slows

That’s actually kind of the point! You end up doing so much damage, healing, parry, peels, and etc. That you can actually do sizeable burst with cleave on DnD, nothing like a dps but as far as dampening. (UNkillable afflock basically) It’s actually kind of fun. I’ve tried to make unholy work but Warriors/Hunters/Ferals just mow you down. SO it’s kind of just the middle finger to those specs.

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legendary buddy. inspiring

i should make a brew guide


I should make a prot guide but my way

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do it… i almost made 1 season 1 of SLands but i was like… too much work.

I absolutely love seeing these off meta builds and guides.

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maybe when 10.1.5 drops because we’re catching some sweet dam buffs.
wouldnt even know where to begin tho tbh.

we need some more brewdawgs out here

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Needs what man i’m king of the blood dks and my reign is eternal

And I wont stop until Kammy says sorry

i havent played mine in a minute… but worldpvp, me, u, do i dare say seraph xD

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Feels unreliable and inefficient. Like, if you can drag a Priest on Tol’viron a mile away from their Warrior that’s beating eaten by your Demo or Fire then that’s great but more often than not what’ll happen is teammates won’t exert enough pressure on the dps.

It definitely has its place, though. :dracthyr_comfy_sip:

oh no pls ewww

Yea mages could be a huge problem

You still haven’t shown me the build. Regardless I won’t play brew again, incendiary breath is gone and Hot Trub wasn’t reverted from the shadow nerf.

I should be on the top of that list regardless of if you want it or not.

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you and reqy will always be on the top of my list <3

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u on right now? honestly i’m probably not teaching you anything new but there is a bug.
i think bm is as good as it was last season AFTER the incendiary breath nerf/removal