Definitely not a recruitment post round 2

If you’re passionate about PvP and want to join a community that thrives on epic battlegrounds, look no further than the Bloodthirsty Space Goats! :goat:

Our community is all about camaraderie, strategy, and dominating the battlefield. Here’s what we offer:

Epic Battlegrounds Domination: We coordinate and queue up together, ensuring a formidable force on the battlefield. Whether it’s Alterac Valley, Isle of Conquest, or Wintergrasp, we aim for victory!

Premade Power: As an ally, we’ve found success by teaming up with fellow PvP enthusiasts. By queuing with a few like-minded players (and bringing our own healer).

Community Bond: Joining our ranks means being part of a tight-knit group. We share tips, strategies, and celebrate our victories together. Plus, we’re always up for a good banter session in chat!

So, if you’re ready to charge into battle, sharpen your weapons, and claim honor for the Bloodthirsty Space Goats, reach out to us! You can find us in-game at OCA-Cenarius or connect with us on our alt community Space Goat Academy channel. Let’s make epic battlegrounds our stomping ground! :rocket::fire:

Disclaimer: No actual goats were harmed in the making of this community.




:eyes: :eyes:


I’ve had lots of fun in this community, it’s always fun in Discord, and in game, I’ve actually not been in a bad community as of yet. playing since 2005 and I’ve enjoyed Everyone and all Communities that I’ve played in… BSG is awesome and the people make it that way !!!
(And NO my tip hasn’t been shared yet!!)


I joined this group about 9 months ago out of frustration for losing ebgs with a bunch of pugs. I figured I’d have better luck with a small group of people instead of pugs. Now we’re running almost full 40 man raids nightly, what a difference it makes between a W and an L.

I appreciate the teamwork, the leadership, the healing, the dps, the ccs. It’s a well oiled machine. As long as you do what you’re told when you’re told, it goes very smooth. If we show up to a fight, we bring everything with us. When we lose, we grow and learn from the defeat, we are a team. Not everyone is a dick, which is also nice, but lots of guys so that’s also kinda nice if that’s your thing. If you see fireworks from me, it’s personal. Good luck


Honestly, I was very nervous joining BSG. I mean, these were all players I had been fighting AGAINST for years. They ALL welcomed me in with open arms. Suffice it to say, there are good people on both sides. Everyone can think whatever they want about BSG. But, maybe take into consideration what players who have actually been a part of the community have to say rather than the opinions of players that are bitter because they can’t be. Just sayin’.


but when i try to q for ebgs in raid it says that i cant how do u get around the game not letting raids do ebgs

I joined Cinco’s community a few years ago and learned how much more dynamic WOW is when playing with a community. I like how organized BSG is and how people in the community are like-minded.


lotta first time posters in this thred i wunder if some1 is channeling their innear ruthless b

You actually had to get your yes men to reply your thread.



Premades are circumventing matchmaking restrictions to bring almost full 40-man raids into epic bgs for a ~95% win rate.

Pugs are playing by the rules and they respect the spirit of fair play.

Don’t you think pugs are frustrated when they’re matched against your premade raids? In a bracket that can’t be raid queued?

PvP is supposed to be a competition. Full premade raids vs. pugs is the furthest thing from being competitive. The outcome of the bg has already been predetermined before the gates even open.

Premade raids are damaging the PvP community and they’re driving players away from PvP.


Not a first-time poster. Just first for that particular toon. Thanks for playing though.

entering a guild recruitment thread to trash talk is kinda tacky, fyi. By all means trash talk in a troll/flame thread, but the only drama and toxicity i’m seeing are people like you who can’t seem to abide bsg.

And guild testimonials in a guild recruitment thread is extremely normal, not sure why that of all things would irk you.

I get that you have a beef with Oca, but this isn’t the place to vent.


that waz my point…

needless snark to complumint ur subpar reading skillz. i seen u play 2 it all fits lmao

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Good one. I’m sure BSG is a toxic-free community and Oca is such a loving toxic-free person!


Even if that were so, wouldn’t people be able to figure that out on their own? Unless you’re trying to make the claim that the entire community is “toxic”, but even if that were the case, it would only become all the more apparent to new people joining that they aren’t a good fit for a toxic community.

Also, how does Oca being toxic (per your argument) justify you being toxic in the guild recruitment thread? So far all you’ve done is tacitly admit that you’re toxic, while giving anecdotal evidence that Oca is toxic too (but only the former can be verified by any casual observer reading the thread). Seems counterproductive is all i’m saying. You’d better serve your point “taking the high road” and letting people come to their own conclusions about Oca.


if they are why would they not join their on premade?

an important aspect of competition is preparation.


You’re asking why pugs don’t start circumventing matchmaking restrictions like premade raiders?

Circumventing restrictions to stack your team for an unfair, competitive advantage over other players is not legitimate preparation.


no im asking why pugs dont play with their friends.

its not unfair if everyone can do it. things arent unfair just because you dont want to do it.

yes it is. this is no different from enchanting your gear, getting consumables, etc. it’s simply preparation you’d prefer to not do so you don’t want anyone else to be able to do it either.

Some pugs do play with their friends. Unlike premade raiders, they don’t circumvent the 5-person limit.

Players who abide by the rules and respect the spirit of fair play choose not to do it.

It requires some mental gymnastics to believe that circumventing restrictions to boost your win rate up to ~95% is a fair thing to do in a competition.

It’s very different.

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