Defending objectives a bannable offense?

This is terrible. No way to appeal. They just take your game time away for no reason.

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Yeah I don’t think the appeal process is going to be super effective. I mean, put in your ticket and hope.

I hope everyone at the very least gets it down to that. While I am still pretty mad about not getting to play until the 14th because I was defending nodes I will take it at this point.


Its honestly a joke that this stance of “AV is a team game and you should only do what your team wants” is an actual thing a blizzard employee has said. There is no way this person has ever queued for a game in AV. These people are legit clowns


Exactly. Tell me how many times you have joined an AV game and the conversation starts with a full team strategy assigning who goes where. Then everyone breaks and executes it perfectly?

Naw… not many… SOMETIMES you get the guy thats like “5 people go here, 5 people go here, and rest go here” but its like… which 5… who is going where again? Then lets not forget the guy spamming sharing quests. The guy yelling about mage table.

Then as people run out the gate EVERYONE just goes where they want. 5 chiefs start telling conflicting orders. No one is listening. Everyone is just kind of doing their own thing. Then you win some and lose some. That is pretty much the pug experience in AV.


Really makes you think twice about going for Solar Sphere in Ashran. To look at the map you’re just off in the middle of nowhere, but you’re actually picking up a 20% haste buff for your entire team. And since I’m pretty sure about 90% of the current player base doesn’t even know it exists, all it would take is 1 random to glance at the map and start raging in chat about you being “AFK” for you to lose access to your account. Mind blowing.


Another L for the lamo at blizzard who green lighted this decision. “We look at the meta data on our spreadsheet because we don’t actually bother to play our game” herp derp losers all of them.

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I’m inclined to agree, but I have reservations as to the scope of the problem. They took action on something that has been a known annoyance since the launch of AV. This is a problem we have all seen and we all understand how frustrating it can be losing a BG while skaters hang out sucking up free honor.

The pressure is now on Blizzard to fix their contraceptive measures, or remove them.

get owned kid. blizzard dont care about nun but ya money

I still think this decision is pretty in line with what their balance is usually like which is a sledgehammer to a glass house that takes a delicate hand

It’s pretty surprising how trigger happy they are with suspensions now.

I noticed things were getting more out of hand when they started handing out suspensions for chat. In the past they would just silence your account if you said something offensive, now they’re suspending you for it. It’s crazy.

Now they’re doing it for defending bases and labelling it as non participation and being afk.


More hyper sensitive people around now then before they’ve been bending over backwards for the Im offended crowd for a long time so naturally the gms are the thought gestapo

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On the one hand I agree, too much catering to hyper-sensitive squeaky wheels. On the other hand, I have had a problem with afk’ers, exploiters and complainers (who are distracting in a BG). It will become an issue of Blizzard balancing their responses to bad behavior. This has been the way of the world since…forever.

I have not noticed this “ban wave” on the Retail side, but (heard of it) mainly on the Classic side. Is this a problem on Retail, the mass bans?

Whoever wrote that apparently doesn’t understand battleground tactics.

Take Ashran for example, and the “backdoor” attack. The game doesn’t announce at all that the boss is under attack, just a sudden loss. So someone has to SEE it to know it’s coming. Whoever is the lookout is sacrificing honor points to do that job and save the match.

Flag sitters in AV may never see an enemy, but each tower is 25% of the boss’s defense. Same goes for the defenders at quarry/refinery, they’re sacrificing honor to give the team 15% damage and player count. None of them may ever see an enemy the whole match.

It’s one thing to hide in a corner or sit in the base nowhere near an objective or known tactic. But simply having no heals or damage on the scoreboard doesn’t mean a player isn’t doing something critical to the match.

Especially against good teams, you need both the chess players doing the tactical things and the checkers players doing the brute force things.


You can just target the players on the other team to see where the ball of nameplates is.

Then perhaps they don’t need to remain there.

Running PVP is risking to loose your account now. Unless you are on a pre-made Rated team with people you actually know you should avoid group content of any kind and not use the chat system.

You can get banned at any time now from just a few people clicking your name. Don’t risk it.


Funny thing about this is that in Warsong Gulch, you get less honor than everyone else if you are a flag carrier capturing flags.

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Everything is a bannable offence @ the #NoFunAllowed HQ

Seems to me like the person who said this doesn’t play PvP. Or any objective-based games with other people, for that matter. Pretty ridiculous to say defending something, even on your own, is counterproductive and not part of the team “element.” Please…

Funny that you say this because I did an RBG the last week or so where the DH sat at BET the whole match and only saw action at the very, very end, but I KNOW what he was doing was important and actually considered him the MVP for being able to sit there and defend the whole time. It’s not always easy.

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I had a guy raging at me in a YOLO because my damage was near zero. But I was sitting a base, as the leader requested, and that base wasn’t getting attacked. Thankfully the rest of the team backed me up on that.

I play differently when I’m solo-queued vs in a premade.

There’s ALWAYS a clueless hall monitor gimping the team, watching the leaderboard numbers, staring at where everyone is and calling out “report afk”. They even try to “report afk” new players zoning into the BG. So winning-stuff that needs to get done can’t get done.

Premade leaders will counter the hall monitor so players doing necessary tactics don’t get booted. Or at least try to counter them, sometimes the hall monitors can be very aggressive.

In a solo-queue sometimes it’s easier to just gimp yourself to keep the hall monitors at bay. You’ll never convince them they don’t know what they’re talking about. I refuse to do useless stuff but I’ll put a few numbers on the board between defending nodes or gathering artifacts, etc.