Defending is too easy in Wintergrasp and needs to be nerfed, extremely hard

It was fine until the cat nerfs. Now eat your lunch.

I think we all have but id be curious to see more recent stats from them. If its similar then it is what it is


i think what most people are talking about here is players fighting other player characters.

IMO a ground troop vs a cat/demo/seige is still pvp, its just facing a different “class” than normal. you still need to outplay another person.

Exactly. I don’t recall people saying Halo sucked cuz it had Warthog jeeps or whatever

I hate when they overcook my steak. :rage:


Try having white meat overcooked. You’ll know how I feel.

I think one of the problems is the RNG nature of whether or not you get Attacking or Defense. Also, remember that blizz isn’t saying horde vs. ally win rates are about equal - they’re saying Attacking vs. Defense are about equal. So, it is possible that win rates are better for one faction regardless. We weren’t given that data. Whatever the case, blizz confirmed there is a “small” advantage for Defense.

I haven’t seen anyone discuss what strats they’re running or not running. Attackers have a 15% buff. So that means the attackers need to zerg whichever base the defenders go to. They have the advantage. So they need to use it. The games i’ve played and used this strat the D dont even get kills. they just get rolled over and then you can all insta build seige and go kill the wall while they cant build anything.

Like L2play instead of throwing a fit saying “how unfair a bg is”


I don’t understand, this morning we stuffed them into their lockers like usual, and took WG with little effort. I don’t even know what any strat was…

Lets face it… The Horde are aggressive, especially in a small group. If they would step up more in World PvP like they tend to do from time to time when they get enough of the numbers game BS then we’d dominate the Alliance once again to the point that trying to complete “AaO” is more of a time consuming loss.

I would rather World PvP be DEAD from lack of Alliance participation than them having the upper hand now where the Horde still acting as if they can still get away with solo-ganking doesn’t help.

All depends on the strategy and what % of the group sticks to it. And it’s basically the same strategy for Attacking or Defending, with some small variation.

Basically, the group that splits up is probably going to lose, although there are some errors that can be made late in the game that can swing things around.


If you love the imbalanced mess of Wintergrasp you’re gonna loooooooove Ashran!

I dont remember being scared of catapults in wrath, those things can shred a mofo

My dh cuts them down pretty easy though. They end up trying to run away from me around the 40% mark every time. Just stand right behind them so they can’t hit you.

So we are kinda on the same page, only diff is that you’re assuming they will go to sunken. Im not. I’d suggest that the whole team push mid tell we can figure out where the majority of them are going then attack it.

I think I hear what you’re saying. I think a lot of WG’s outcome depends on what happens shortly after the gates open. Whichever team sticks together best - and fights together best as needed - will have an immediate advantage in terms of strategy.


Yep basically whoever gets vehicles first has a big lead and that momentum can carry for a while. Workshops don’t mean a thing if they don’t have rank. Sticking around to defend it for no reason ends up giving them rank.


That’s a bunch of :cow::poop:. Defense wins the majority of the time. Alliance gets put on offense the majority of the time. My WG win/loss rates aren’t even close to being even.

Just played against you and you were on defense.

Wasn’t shocked that you won.

Hey our team called stuff well too.

Alliance has been on a roll in WG today