Hello there!
Defenders of the Niffty is recruiting a resto shaman or holy priest. We cleared both T4 and T5 content while current and prior to the release of the next tier. Currently 13/14 T6. With all 5 bosses down in MH, and 9/9 bosses down in BT.
We use a loot system of Thatsmybis. A priority based wishlist in which you place desired items on a list from most to least favorable. Loot is awarded to whomever has the item higher on their list.
Raid times are:
BT - Thurs - 8 - 10:30pm
SWP - Friday 8 - 11pm
Puns and jokes available upon request, and sometimes without any warning whatsoever! Whisper Amalynd, Pordge, Midnitepagan, Allixandra, Hayworth, or Uatu for more information or a guild invite if you are interested!
We look forward to hearing from you!
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Did you know you cannot carry a shaman?
It’s true!
You can only totem!
What’s a paladin’s favorite animal?
Solarian is down! We are now 7/10!!!
Tidewalker has fallen! 8/10!
Always looking for dedicated, fun loving people to join our roster!
Lady Vash’j is dead! 9/10!!!
Hi there! Would you happen to have space for a ret paladin? I’m willing to flex into protadin as well if needed. Guild kind of evaporated after phase 1 started and I’m returned looking to get back into the mix.
So sorry, I just saw this message. If you are still interested, feel free to message Pordge, Uatu or myself if you see us in game and we would be happy to talk with you!
Kael’thas is down. 10/10! Ready for T6
We killed the first two bosses in MH last week, and got Kaz’rogal this week! Currently 3/5 in MH!
Update. We started BT and got the first four bosses down, making us 4/9 in BT!
As of 3/11/22, we have killed Archimonde and Gurtogg Bloodboil. We are currently 10/14 T6!
Hey folks! Been a long time! We’ve had a lot happen since I last updated this. We have full cleared Mount Hyjal and almost full cleared BT. Currently working on Illidan now!
Best attempt is 16%.
Currently looking for a resto shaman or holy priest to round out our healing core!
Illidan is defeated!!! We are officially 14/14 T6! Ready for Sunwell!!!
Illidan is Illi-down and now were Ill-done with the tier!
To join this guild, if you plea. You must first answer these questions three:
What is your name?
What is your quest?
What is the air speed velocity of an unladen swallow?
Still looking for qualified determined candidates to help us finish off the expansion and venture into Wrath!
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Bun Bun welcomes you to our recruitment thread and hopes you have a great day in Azeroth!
We’re currently working on Kalecgos in Sunwell. Best attempt is 1%, he will die soon! Come join us!