Ya it blizz not putting the id of the new 80 abilities in the exception list of the ui. It a fix that in normal time would take less than a hour…
I’ve been searching for this issue for a while, thought i was crazy but yea they need to fix this, pally is hard to play without seeing your buffs.
Please fix. Can’t see anything other than fort shadow prot and spirit RIP
Happening for me on priest too. All my buffs even the raid wide fort/spirit/shadow prot will not disappear upon combat. It is driving me bonkers. My mage’s AI is disappearing upon combat however.
It appears to only be the Max rank versions of the buffs that are encountering this bug. Tested with low ranks and they disappear while in combat.
Can confirm this behavior, I hit 80 today on priest and started having issues. Tried disabling every addon. Couldn’t figure it out till I saw this comment. Makes sense now. Definitely max rank buffs.
So when are we gonna see this fixed?
FYI - there is an option within the addon BigDebuffs that is a decent temp fix. Checkbox at the top “Increase Maximum Buffs” changes # of buff max from 3 to 6, so you can still see most combat buffs even if long-term buffs aren’t disappearing.
Any chance this will get fixed?
Extremely annoying bug.
Please fix this, it seems like a simple spell ID issue. Just need the new ranks of buffs added to whatever whitelist its using
I don’t want to have to get an addon to do something that the default UI is supposed to do
Bump. Idk how this isn’t fixed yet…
Blizzard please
Wow have you seen the hotfix for the 5th it literally a joke…
Fix some random quest but when it major bugs it dont matter…
I’m gonna bump this til it’s fixed >:(
Bump. Raid is tonight, hippies!!! Gonna have to log on early today and see if I can fix this with an addon I’m not used to, which is sadly better than the state of the current default UI.
I’m hoping this gets fixed soon. I imagine pin-pointing exactly what the issue is can be a time sink AND because it is a small number of people who are having the issue, it’s being tabled. After all, we can fix it with an addon or ‘it works well enough’ as to not impede our enjoyment of the game - again, small number of people with the issue.
Is there an addon anyone can recommend that can white/black list buffs on the default raid frames?
Daily bumping.
Raided Naxx last night with an addon i didnt want to use that dropped my frames significantly because I couldnt see my renew and power word shield on default frames… This is rediculous… Massive problem Blizz… Please Help!!!
Can Blizzard please fix this? Raided last night in Naxx and it’s an absolute nightmare tracking your important buffs when all the raid buffs clutter up the UI.