Deer People

Satyr for horde, they’re enemies to NE anyways :woman_shrugging:

Back in my day they were a Night Elf unit as apart of that massive Alliance and Horde rivaling Army that disappeared when WoW came out.

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Aren’t they enemies with the Taurens too? Or with the Orcs? At least the burning legion ones.

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Maybe, but when has lore meant anything?


Tauren and Night Elves share many of the same enemies.

And have a pretty long history together. One of the many things that was lost when Blizzard nerfed The Night Elves to put them on the Alliance in OG WoW.


Mr Tumnus allied race

Give me snakes!


Louis senpai?

True. That is true.

One of the many reasons why the Night Elves deserve time be in the Horde!

FerociouslySteph would like to know your location

Yeah but they would need to change the couple of quests that mount you up in old Azeroth. Guess that’s okay anyways, though flights always seem to take forever.