Deeprun Tram 3 questions

One of the recent memories I have of the tram in classic is the Horde decided to attack SW for some drama guild issue but they became trapped in the tram area.

So we spend about an hour trying to free our tram system of angry horde players.


nothing quite as amusing is stealthing to the middle with unknowing ally and typhoon’n them off mid way


I’m very certain it runs under / through Loch Modan.

Within the water section there is “Nessy”, a clear reference to the Loch Ness Monster. With Loch Modan being the only “loch” it could possibly be.


I miss taking the boats to Northrend or Ru’thervan(?) And wasn’t there one to Auberdine?

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Oh man, just mean! Lol but cool


Yes. I also used to use that boat for my for the Horde raids back in the day. Connected to SW.

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Except for two things: (1) Loch Modan is a shadow of what it once was and is just too small, and (2) it’s not between Ironforge and Stormwind.


I wonder if it’s worth going Classic to do this again.

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I rode it just last week on a new alt. I love the tram.


The underwater section is where, if you look to your right as you’re going to Ironforge, there’s what looks like an Aquarium…or at least that’s what I was told it was. That they (architechs) put in a glass wall so people could see underwater life as they walked or rode either way.

My helpful Elf was a Blood Elf one. I asked how to get to Western Plaguelands. I was told by helpful Elf to go through the portal at the other end of Ghostlands.

I did. Sure didn’t count on the bear waiting for supper.

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What did you choose for class & spec?

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TBC or Wrath would be better for city raids.

Classic’s pvp system discourages city raids with dishonorable kills against npc citizens.

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Mostly since I really only remember the area from a good 16 years ago, was the Loch changed by the Cataclysm? If so, I think that can be explained by the tram still being in “classic” time since it’s one of the few things that was left unchanged.

Correct. I admit I don’t have a good answer for that.

It could have been possible they intended for there to be an area north of SW / south of IF originally, or the Loch was going to be there originally but they changed their minds early in development but after the tram was made?

There was an area you could force your way into just north of SW before Cata. It was a large empty space between mountains that players were not intended to get to. Much of the area was left without textures and you could go “under” SW from there.

Source: I did some weird exploration back in the day.


I think it’s time to arrange a tram party! Load them up and party.

Hell, lets put Horde on one train and Alliance on the other and take pop shots off as we pass each other.


i use it from time to time!

always wondered if nessy was carnivorous or not…i know she ate gnomes, but for living azerothian creatures i mean


I so wish I would have seen Azeroth pre-cata. I remember my kids being REALLY ticked when it changed everything!


I’m down for that! :grin:

7 PM Central time


You could, but there was little reason to do so before wrath other than to start world pvp (crossroads / tarren mill and southshore were more popular for that back then). Achievements didn’t exist until Wrath, so you couldn’t earn the black war bear until then.

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I think there was a blue post that said that they will track achievement info now even though you won’t earn them until Wrath. So like if you explore an entire zone when ach’s come out in wrath for classic you get that ach.


You’re not alone - back in Vanilla I had a great time exploring areas that I probably had no business being.

You know, there’s really one great explanation for the inconsistencies between the tram and the “real” world - two words:



Honestly we should be grateful that we didn’t end up with glowing skin or a third arm, or something.
