Deeply Rooted Elements Procs

Does anyone have any data on Deeply Rooted Elements procs as far as what caused it Earth Shock, Elemental Blast, or Earthquake. Just my observation but it seems like Earthquake causes it to proc way more often than the other two.

Have you tested this? Earthquake may be bugged and proccing DRE per target hit. Should try using earthquake on a single target to confirm.

I noticed this exact same thing. Hoping it sticks around. Don’t spread the word and it won’t get fixed.

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It absolutely should be fixed if it’s not intended, otherwise I’ll need my hammer of light to be activated on 1-2 stacks instead of having to stack to 50. However, if fixed, ele shamans should then be compensated elsewhere instead.

AoE you’re generating way more maelstrom and spending more frequently so it makes sense to see a high frequency of DRE procs due to more spending events.

Somebody in Earthshrine napkin mathed out the BLP on DRE procs probability per spending event to next proc. This is partially why you want to avoid spending as a pack is dying to avoid procing DRE on like 2 mobs at 10%. Again these are percent probabilities and RNG gods still have a hold on us.