Deep Wounds has never been a class fantasy of mine

I have no idea why Blizzard insists on keeping mastery tied to Deep Wounds. It’s just not fun or exciting in any way. In fact, I think it is probably the most boring mastery in the game.

So why not tie Mastery to something that is about Arms fantasy? Something that is fun and exciting?

  • Mastery should, “Increase the critical strike damage of your Mortal Strike and Colossus Smash abilities” - Basically, old school Impale.

This would, in fact, bring Arms back in line with the original “Class Fantasy” of hard-hitting spiky damage. Deep Wounds use to exist mainly because of how rage generation worked in the old days. Now Rage is normalized. We don’t really need Deep Wounds anymore. Let’s bring Arms back to what it was meant to be, and say goodbye to this far more boring version.


Arms fantasy is so dull. I desperately want stances back to give arms some excitement.


There’s literally a thread above yours that says they like Deep Wounds as a class fantasy.

Good luck.

Yes, because they are more of a UH DK than they are Arms warrior. Deep Wounds existed, but it was not anything to be impressed with, and it has always been a passive that applies itself. Mastery is our 4th most important stat. That right there should tell you how important Deep Wounds is. Do you know why Master Is not 1st? Because then we would be UH DK’s just another DoT class.

Literally, Deep Wounds was the most unimportant part of our damage there was for most of the game. Now it’s our mastery? Those who like Deep Wounds is either trolling, newer to the game, or have not been a long time Warrior IMO. Rend’s damage was far greater than Deep Wounds. Deep Wounds might have been 5-10% of our damage back then. Really, I think it was even less than that.

What would you think if Smite suddenly became Retribution’s Master? Ya, ya it’s been there, but you never used it really in a fight even though you could, and suddenly it’s Ret’s Mastery. Retribution was always about seals and Crusader Strike, not about Smiting. That’s kind of what they did to Arms.

For some specs, Mastery just isn’t going to be all that important, OP. Look, numbers aside, you’re playing a dude with a big 2H weapon that moves faster and hits harder than should be humanly (or mortally) possible. So at the moment, the two biggest secondary stats on Arms are “swing your weapon faster” and “hit harder with your weapon more often.”

That’s a great class fantasy, if you think about it. Oh, and they bleed after you truck 'em because you caused massive amounts of internal hemorrhaging because you’re swinging around that huge-arsed weapon? Who’da thunk it?

Deep wounds should be applied on critical strikes. Deep wounds should be just one of the many bleeds arms should have.

What I find truly a smack in the face to class fantasy is what they have done with defensive stance.

Defensive stance used to be a combat stance allowing for the use of a shield for bashing, blocking and delivering a wall of defense: what we have now is a lame passive forever plagued by equipping a prop shield that just does not go with my mog

That never was part of the class fantasy for the first 10 years of the game. No one was excited to press rend, that’s why it’s a talent now. It was just the means to rage so you could push the button you wanted to push Mortal Strike and Colossus Smash.

Arms was about MS, Op, Slam, Heroic Strike, and Colossus Smash. That is Arms fantasy, not a bleed, and BTW Rend was the only bleed we pressed a button for. Mastery should be making the things I like to do better. If people want to play a DoT class warrior, there is UH DK.

Many? We had 2 that I could think of, Rend and Deep Wounds.

Nice how you quoted the second part, but not the first. You know, the part that extolled the virtues of hitting things hard as hell with big hits like Mortal Strike and Colossus Smash.

Yes, I did only quote the second part. Because he or she was putting up a Strawman and frankly the “Who’da thunk it” at the end was there way of trying to throw an insult. While absolutely disregarding the core of the argument, which was Deep Wounds has never been what a warrior is about, making mastery revolve around it is being used to throttle our spiky damage.

Can you find where it talks about bleed damage here?

When you hit things hard enough, they bleed. It’s not fun otherwise.

Problem is…we don’t hit things that hard…

With Deep Wounds being the way that it is, and doing a majority of our damage while MS and Execute continue to tickle our targets, I imagine in my head someone getting something as simple as a paper cut and then bleeding profusely. It makes no sense.

This is just dumb, other classes hit just as hard if not harder and most of their damage is not from a DoT. Our number one source of damage should be from Mortal Strike followed by Overpower, Colossus Smash or Slam, and now we can start talking about bleeds.

Warriors damage have been Single Target big hits for years and years, and now we’ve been relegated to a DoT class. I want the real warrior back, this fake facade of a warrior we have now is a joke. And Blizzards bad handling of the spec shows by how badly it’s performing.

I remember years ago when I’d have a full rage bar and I could walk up to multiple targets hit sweeping strikes, and start blowing them both up with big hard crits, not bleeds. If I wanted to kill stuff through bleeds I would play a Hemo Rogue.

Basically that’s what Arms has been turned into, a Hemo Rogue.