Deep lore thread

“Lore”… a simple word used by simple minds to describe the awe-inspiring literature canon of Azeroth, a world so vivid that one wonders whether it is the true reality, and what we see with our own eyes and ears merely a fantasy.

fig one: the primordial forces

I am but a humble scholar of this world, and in my studies I have unearthed many eldritch secrets of this realm. I hereby propose that we scholars join forces and share knowledge, as no mere mortal possesses a mind capable of understanding this vast canon alone.

fig two: a lost race

Do I seek to construct a mere history, a chronicle of events? No. Azeroth is a world unconstrained by small-minded notions of “time” or “reason”. It is a land of life, and love, the maddening passions and raw feeling which drives us all

fig three: songs of the soul

In truth, much of it is beyond me. I see glimpses into future events that I am unworthy of comprehending, which I why I see the aid of fellow scholars.

fig four: the lord of knowledge

fig five: whispers from the shadowlands

to those unafraid of true enlightenment, join me… share your deepest lore


This is some deep fried ish


Big if true

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the ashbringer…


Miko, please share whatever you’re taking. It looks amazing.


blizz said come get yall juice


What’s happening :frowning:

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Blizzard said trans rights, they just don’t know it yet.

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Miko, I don’t think you’ve fully realized what you’ve done.

Mortal beings aren’t meant to be this woke. This could threaten the integrity of reality itself…or at the very least cause some people to invalidate their own existence through the power of existential despair.


Nah I’ve been doing that for years already, this is pretty good


these memes didn’t go deep enough, you need to fry them more


There we go. It’s a bit better now.


i didn’t believe in enlightened beings until miko started blessing us with posts


New religion IMHO

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Hey, you could make a religion out of this!


Many years past, I committed the gravest mistake I would ever make in my life.

Against the warnings of my tutors, I ventured into the forbidden section of the Lorewalkers’ library. In my youthful folly, I believed myself to be impervious to the horrific secrets held within. Oh how wrong I was…

For hours, I roamed the dim and dusty shelves. Row after row of ancient tomes I passed—all containing the knowledge of fell magicks. Yet it was the most forbidden secrets of all that I craved.

Many measures were put in place to keep out intruders—wards created using arcane spellwork lost to our ken, runed doors fashioned from the most impenetrable of alloys, hallways of bloodied spikes. And each of these obstacles in turn I defeated. Naught could dissuade me. I was as if a woman possessed.

In the innermost sanctum, I found but a lone pedestal. As I approached it, a sense of palpable dread came over me. And yet I pressed on. Even now I know not what drove me on. Perhaps it was but my indefatigable curiosity, or perhaps it was some dark power urging me forward. No matter what it was, my fate had been long since been sealed.

With trembling hands, I picked up the unsuspecting tome lying upon the plinth. I gingerly brushed off the dust laying upon its cover, revealing the faded words “WORLD OF WARCRAFT: THE ROLEPLAYING GAME: HORDE PLAYER’S GUIDE.” These words held no meaning for me, and yet seeing them filled my heart with an all-consuming horror.

In spite of the fear that transfixed me, my hands moved to open the book, as if moving under their own power. And that, Celestials preserve me, was when my eyes fell upon the yellowed pages of that accursed tome. I should never have touched it. I should have burned it, and lived my life as if I had never seen it. Perhaps then I would be spared the nightmares that plague me every night. And yet I did not.

My very eyes betrayed me as they moved across the page, drinking up the limpid pools of black ink that formed grotesque approximations of words. They said:

Tauren also bear no ill will to the members of the Alliance unless threatened by them, although they do make an exception for high elves. The taint of magic on the high elven spirit is a poisonous air to the tauren, a stench of the soul that they cannot tolerate for long.


Broke: only the stuff in the game, however bad, is canon.
Woke: nothing is canon because the writers retcon the lore to meaninglessness constantly.
Bespoke: only the WoW RPG is canon. Nothing else.


WoW devs excommunicated the RPG books because they knew it was the true canon.


It’s actually a little puzzling to me that Blizzard hasn’t tried to revive the WoW RPG. D&D is more popular than it’s ever been by several orders of magnitude and the RPG was basically a reskinned 3rd Edition anyway. I’m sure they could release “5e-lite” if they wanted to.

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We live in a world where a fast food restaurant has a recent tabletop RPG and one of the most popular fantasy games in the world doesn’t.