Deep Haul Ravine

Blizz can we please get some more pillars and obstacles put through the map because its nearly impossible to play melee just sitting in the open taking 10 trillion damage from all the wizards that flood BG’s this season :slight_smile:

Death Grip out of LoS, 'tis fun.

Consider spec into some defensive talents plus Grip of the Dead, Abomination Limb and Proliferating Chill in Deephaul Ravine? If you see a lot of enemy wizards in mid, it’s probably an easy win for DKs. It’s incredibly easy for DKs to keep a few enemies away from the carts.

When the opposing team has significantly higher DPS, it’s a good idea to use defensive CDs when the carts are in mid. Once the carts are about to be capped, rez in GY isn’t a bad idea in my opinion. You can quickly rez and rush to the newly spawned carts.

Unlike in Silvershard Mines, killing isn’t that important in DR. While “kill them all” is still the most straightforward way to win, you can still defeat enemy teams with significantly higher DPS. After all, it’s about gaining points, not just getting kills.