Don’t worry…. We “won’t” DE your stuff 
Disenchanted Knights is the Horde version of our Alliance guild, Enchanted on Dawnbringer. Enchanted was started by two friends in the first week of BC. Originally it was just a bank for our stuff as we had fun playing and meeting new people on our new Alliance characters. As our circle of friends grew, so did Enchanted. Eventually it became a unique combination of a social and raid guild. Over the years, real life took the attention of our members and the people online shrunk. In an effort, to find new friends we moved to Thrall and went back to our original lineage of Horde. A great Enchanted family followed us over and here we are today. No longer Enchanted, but knights who stand beside each other, carry each other, and fight together. Love, loyalty, and heart are the defining characteristics of my little pixel family. <3
~Mystikel Disenchanted as Mambo (GM)
Raid Group:
• Schedule: Monday & Tuesday | 8:00 PM - 10:00 PM EST
• Focus: AOTC with some Mythic progression.
• Progression: 8/8 Heroic (No Mythic Progression this season)
• Raid Leader: Kry
• Guild Recruiters: Skyér & Dal – Skyer#1189 & sbvawow#1894
Current Available Spots: Disc Priest, Holy Priest, Devastation/Aug Evoker, Enhancement Shammy, Elemental Shammy, Resto Shammy, Balance Druid & Fire Mage [If you don’t have one of the above specs still feel free to apply I may be able to slot you in!]
What We’re Looking For:
• Reliable and consistent raiders who can attend scheduled raid nights.
• Players who understand their class, role, and how to contribute to the raid’s success
• Players that want to progress and have fun.
What We Offer:
• A relaxing non-toxic atmosphere that’s fun for raiders and casual players alike.
• Weekly raid nights that push progression but also have fun while doing it.
• Lots of Mythic +
• A community that also plays other games outside of WoW
• Transmog competitions
• Mount & gold raffles
• During Raid: Guild repairs, flasks, food and potions.
Want to join Disenchanted Knights?
To apply, please reach out to Skyer#1189 in-game or send me a message via Discord: skyer1224. Or you can apply at Make sure to let me know what Class & Spec you plan on playing and a link to any logs you might have. If you can play multiple classes/specs, please include that information as well. hat information as well.