Decreases then Increases? Rogue tank change

What’s the reasoning behind this:

Blade Dance:
Finishing move that increases your Parry chance by 10% and grants 4 Attack Power for each point of your defense skill beyond 300. Lasts longer per combo point
Highlighted text was added in P4

And added in the latest change:
Just a Flesh Wound now decreases damage done whenever this rune is applied, and applies to all damage types, not just Physical.

What is the reasoning behind this?
Delay even further threat building when the rogue does the pull?

So rogue tanks start the pull doing less damage and then acquire the combo points required to Blade Dance and build threat and defense?

Why not just remove the AP from blade dance?

Is this because some tank rogues use envenom instead of Blade Dance doing more damage?

I think there are better solutions to this than making the tank even worse for normal dungeon tanking. There’s already a shortage of tanks for dungeon tanking. Adding a threat reducing effect to envenom buff duration would do the job better, and overall dps rogue performance would increase instead of just doing more damage. And make rogue finishers generate decent AoE threat after using Main Gauche.

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Rogue tanks got a threat buff added to JAFW, so this won’t be the issue that you’re describing.

Edit: to clarify - this is just a damage nerf, not a threat nerf. It’s actually a small threat buff. When you include the threat bonus added to MG, dungeon tanking should be slightly easier than before.

Really? I did not see the extra threat in the recent changes. Just way prior to the reduction in damage for all forms not just physical.

The damage nerf to JafW is a little strange. However, if we’re doing more threat overall than we’re doing right now, I’m fine with it. Tanks arn’t supposed to be a damage class. Our main goal is to hold threat and mitigate incoming dmg as much as possible. Although, having higher dmg is still important for downing bosses and holding threat.

With MG giving SS more threat, MG seems to finally be a competitive option for tanking. It will not out-dps Saber or Mut, but the 100% parry buff and increased threat makes it more attractive after phase 4.

Yep! From earlier post.

Both of those statements are untrue

How do you mean?

Nice… Just hope it makes up for the extra loss of aoe threat from bombs.

Without Salv at the moment only paladins and druids can hold aggro during a Survival Hunter Aoe Rotation. Some Warriors and Locks mostly while I have Salv can hold aggro. I know I can’t as a warrior tank hold AoE aggro that well probably due to skill/gear issues. In dungeons rogues can’t hold aoe aggro no matter what even giving them 5-6 secs before starting the AoE rotation with Salv. In Sulf/Majordomo raids they hold aggro pretty well probably because they get more from raid/world buffs than I get for AoE.

I believe hunter insane aoe dps in PVP is the reason behind Lock and Load nerf.

I guess Lock and Load nerf would end up benefitting more rogue even with the extra threat from Just a Flesh Wound.

Yet I suspect it won’t be enough to make rogue tanking desirable for normal dungeon tanking.

Threat can use… threat just fine.

If dps was a penultimate requirement every boss would be a dps check.

As is grey parsing still gets you loot.