Decrease the time between events... so much standing and waiting

Come on, Blizzard. It’s Season 4. It’s the “Last Hurrah” of Dragonflight. Why are the timers between events. So. Freaking. Long?

For those of us with a lot of alts, it’s EXTREMELY tedious. Why not just have the 3 events on a 20 minute rotation? Bam. Done. Next alt.


I definitely would like to see some of the timers reduced between events, if only for being more alt-friendly. Time rifts are good at the 1 per hour mark - if the others were once an hour (hopefully not overlapping), I’d be fine with that.

It’s painful when you just barely miss Seige, knowing you need to wait 2 more hours.


Love the idea of shorter times between events or to change any event that’s possible to be continuously running.


This is why I think it was a poor choice to combine timed events into one quest.
However, to play the devil’s advocate, once you do the three quest tasks and turn in the quest you walk away with 4 epic pieces of gear, now that they’ve fixed the item lvl loot bug.
Still, I’d rather they increased the event frequency and lock any possibilty of single players sharding out of it by locking the player quantity. If a group forms, send THAT group off to their own shard and move/add/combine single players into an existing one.


I thought it was 1 hour until earlier today when I realized it’s 2 hours, that’s crazy. To be honest I thought 1 hour was bad for the superbloom since I really don’t like clocked events like that to begin with.

What I mean is and those with alts will perhaps understand, you can only do dragonbane keep one time every 2 hours. The cooking event is a bit different since it only requires you to do 5 tasks so that is doable on more than one character in the given timeframe.

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Right. Which would be ridiculous if this were the beginning of an expansion, but this is meant to be a final push to gear up alts and have a little bit of fun.

Come on, Blizz. Give us 20 minute timers and cycle these events on that timer.

12:00 - Siege
12:20- Grand Hunt
12:40- Community Feast
01:00- Siege again


This would be the best thing to happen to DF. BEST. THING. Or make them all like the feast where the event runs 15 mins but you can finish in 5. I have 10+ alts… can easily get 3 through each feast but keep and hunts are impossible. Same for the Superbloom and geeks under fire. Daddy Blizz needs to rethink how outdoor events are timed, especially when theres more than one available. :speak_no_evil::see_no_evil::hear_no_evil:

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Dragonbane Keep is so fast that there’s plenty of time to do all 3 weekly things within a 30 minute period:

  1. Do Dragonbane Keep
  2. Immediately fly down to the feast, which will still be going
  3. Hunts are basically always available, so no issues there

I wanted to do Siege on all alts for the gold reward but the timer is so long. :frowning:

Where are these events even at? I’m lost…

If it’s any consolation, they just nerfed the gold from the caches from all these events to ~250 instead of ~1500. :cowboy_hat_face:

Ugh seriously? Guess I don’t care anymore then.

The only event that’s really a “deal breaker” time wise is the siege. The hunt and feast are just fine. I can park three or four characters and get all of them their accord credit and 5/5 feast participation without a problem. You can get multiple toons through hunts without waiting as well. Unless you just must get the Bisquius drop on every character the feast is a non-issue.

The siege is the only issue. And I personally don’t think it’s that big of one.