Decline in customer service

Did they eventually fix your Mage?

Yeah the customer support experience is just awful. It feels deliberately designed to be as frustrating for the customer as possible. Maybe they figure if it’s stupid and convoluted, fewer people will want to use it, and make less work for them. But even once you get through the horrid process of even raising a ticket, a few hours later you get their worthless automated response. “Have you checked wowhead for a solution?” Are you a real company who owns this game?? Why are you directing us to an outside source? But also, yes! Everyone checks wowhead before resorting to customer support, because anything else is better!

I just finished up a ticket, and my review in the survey was not kind. The first GM response had literally nothing to do with my ticket. They clearly had not read it. I also told them to cut down on the awful RP nonsense in their messages, which thankfully the second GM did.

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Wowhead has great customer service!

Firsr tricket is an auto reply always. You have to submit multiple times to actually have anyone read your ticket.

Part of a big issue I have seem over the years is that many players do not articulate their issue in a way that would allow a Blizzard rep to reply.

Half the tickets are gibberish with some half slanted take on what they think they are owed. How the issue is unacceptable. How the world is ending.

If you are calm, detail your issue and the causes to which your problem lie. Most of the time you will get an answer.

I have truly, after nearly 20 years. Never once had a GM not respond.


Don’t be rediculous! :angry:
:smirk: It was obviously for his golden toilet seat.

Yep, this is what happens when companies try to cut as much costs as possible for maximum profit.

I had an issue of being unable to start the Tauren heritage armor questline when this Warrior was a Tauren last year. I submitted a ticket detailing that the Warrior is level seventy (only needed to be level fifty), was Exalted with Thunder Bluff (that requirement was removed but I didn’t know at the time), and I couldn’t accept the questline’s start at the Horde embassy. I went back and forth with Customer Service for DAYS as they repeated each and every step I already outlined in the initial ticket, but even they had completely incorrect information as they also believed players still needed to be Exalted to start the heritage armor questlines. It wasn’t until the fifth or so ticket and three days later that one of them finally checked the completed quests and said I already completed the questline. NONE of the previous representatives even thought of doing that. So yes, the quality of that department has hit rock bottom and is only continuing to dig further down.

What broke my want to ever contact that horrid place ever again was trying to reclaim the Tabard of the Lightbringer item from the Shadowmourne questline. I have the appearance unlocked, but I wanted the actual item for the on-use effect. I contacted support thinking that since I have Shadowmourne, the questline completed, and all the other rewards including the tabard’s appearance I could just get it back. I was sorely mistaken as every single representative fought with me trying to imply that I could’ve sold the tabard on the Auction House to make a profit in gold then asking to refund the item. I completed the questline back in Warlords of Draenor and kept the tabard, and I would’ve had to equip it in order to unlock the appearance making it Soulbound and unable to be traded or sold to another player. They eventually just wanted to shut it down altogether, threatening me with account action should I continue to seek help in resolving my issue. There is ZERO reason to EVER contact those “people”.


They still haven’t sent me the raid loot I won a week ago. They said that it’s a known bug and basically did nothing. They did try to tell me that they don’t help get back loot. But they still have the CS selection for lost loot.

What makes CS being outsourced worse is the game is more bugged than ever. There just is no one now to help fix lost loot, bugged achievement rewards and other problems.

Use to be able to contact CS, get in touch with a GM who fixed things like that.

This is not true at all, especially lately.

Its completely true. How can you say it isnt?

Because I’ve always worded my tickets well and got GM help, the only thing that’s changed now is the entire CS team being laid off and being outsourced. It is not user incompetence.

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It can account to user inability to communicate many, if not mkst of the time.
I dont see how that can be argued.

The sheer volume of screenshots available out there depicting exactly that. Versus just a single persons view.

No, that’s just something you guessed to be sanctimonious.

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Problem is, it’s not just Blizzard but customer service in general across many companies. Anytime you try to chat, you are giving so many menus to navigate thru and all you want to do is talk to an actual human being. If you manage to finally push through all that by staying on the phone upwards of forty plus minutes the person you get might not even be from your country of origin and it’s hard to communicate with them and explain the situation.

This unfortunately is the problem with our society and companies these days as it’s easier to automate and direct calls to centers in countries that don’t pay as much to save a buck. As someone that is still looking for work after 8 months due to finger amputations, I would love to just answer messages / calls and try to help people out even if it was minimum wage.


I opened a ticket yesterday and received a 3 day 17 hour response estimate. I did receive an e-mail, (maybe AI) shortly after the initiation of the ticket. I hope I get to deal with a human at some point. I need to conduct several changes so I can get off the security fob, and this one was the easiest.

Its not an assumption. It is baseline fact.

I’d like to see these screens then. CC assuming the community is incompetent is peak CC.


Do you work in customer support? I thought the community council members were just random players.

I dont think anyone is saying you don’t get a response at all. But the steps to getting a response are absurdly convoluted. And often that response is useless.

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I mean, this is 100% the idea behind the convoluted ticket options, just without the hostile intent. If the issue someone has is not an issue that needs a hand-crafted action from someone at Blizzard, there’s very little point in letting the ticket clog up the already-long queue.

If someone is putting in a ticket asking how to get to x for a quest, they 100% should be stonewalled by the categories related to that not allowing them to create a ticket and instead linking them to a support article (or in this case, WoWhead, though Blizzard does overuse that one, especially in actual ticket responses).

I acknowledge that this is worse than what Blizzard used to offer for customer support, but it’s been the standard for pretty much every other company, gaming-related or not, for a long long time.


That is a very fair point.