Deck pc touchscreen still not working

I play wow almost exclusively on a deck pc with a controller. This playstyle is almost entirely dependent on having a touch screen in addition to a controller. As addressed in a different post the touch screen function no longer works with this game. For deck pc gamers this makes the game largely unplayable. I mostly play healers and right now that is pretty much impossible without a touch screen.

With how popular deck pcs have become, fixing this issue should be a much higher priority as it is absolutely game breaking for us. If i had a monthly subscription i would just cancel until its fixed, but i (unfortunately) purchased a 1-year subscription. That is a mistake i wont be making again after this mess.

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Known issue with possibly a lot of touch screens.

Ok??? I already acknowledged that i know that it is known. I dont care that it is known. I want to know when its going to be fixed. This is an unacceptable mistake and it should have been hotfixed two days ago.

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Touch screens aren’t that common.

Yours is an edge usage case.

Expecting a 2 fix for something that impacts a small percentage of people versus something like warband banking or account wide renown and reputation or cross realm trading simply shows your ignorance.

Step away from azeroth for a bit.

Learn some patience.

The fix is not as simple as a dev going in and toggling “enable touchscreen” from lolz-off to on again.

The problem has to be verified, it has. Then they have to figure out what’s causing the problem. Something between the touchscreen driver and the hardware interacting with WoW? Something between the touchscreen driver and WoW itself? Something in the background interfering with how the touchscreen interacts with WoW?

Once they have an idea of where the problem lies, assuming the problem is in the code for WoW (which is likely is, but funny things happen), one of the devs has get into that portion of the code and figure out why things aren’t behaving as they should. Once they have an idea where the problem is, they have to fix the code - sometimes that’s quite involved. Then they have to test the fix to see if it actually fixes the problem, and also doesn’t bork something else. Then they have to repeat the fix-and-test process until the problem is actually fixed and nothing else gets obviously broken in the process.

Then the fix is either applied to the servers as a hotfix if it can, which in this case it won’t be, or sent along to be included in the next patch. Once whatever threshold or metrics Blizzard has for actually pushing a patch are met, the patch goes live and your touchscreen will work again.

Bugfixes take time. A particular bug making its way to the top of the priority queue when there are hundreds or thousands of issues to be worked can take even longer. Go back to social media for your instant gratification. Certainly stomping your feet won’t expedite things any.

I also play on Rog ally and I rely so much on the touch screen and the new update has ruined that experience for me


Yup, perfect timing for a bug… and just in time for me to be home with my newborn for the next couple weeks and without the convenience of remote play in the living room… thanks! :confused:

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