Decisions that would break the game for you

someone somewhere out there would just create an addon to switch your gear out of combat/dependent on the setting. It would be just like now.

On topic: this game has gotten extremely grindy the past 2 expansions, If they ever make it any worse I’ll probably just give up, not because I want to but because it’s just not fun. For example I just killed Rustfeather for the 256th time, like…what…come on.

Forcing group content.

I know, I know, it’s an mmo and I understand that that’s what the core game is designed for and I’m not against that concept. But I personally play exclusively solo and if I were forced to do group content I’d just play something else.

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If after Shadowlands there’s still no player housing and there is a “War of the Light” or something where the Light is evil? I’m probably out.

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I have never used any addons once lol

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Faction removal. That would be the end of the game.

Merging servers and literally breaking my account like what happened to Khadgar people.

Same here.

Making monks dps and heals specs actually bug free playable and strong.

Edit: oh wait that would break the very reality of wow

No pvp vendors or PvP power.

I couldn’t.