Hello Emerald Dream! I’m wanting to switch to this server because both the rp and pvp elements of the game really entice me. My issue is not knowing whether to play on horde or alliance. Can anyone tell me which faction has a higher population or which one engages in more pvp/rp? I’ve spoken to some players and I’ve gotten the impression that the server is not what it once was before war mode was introduced. Would I be better off on a server that was just rp or pvp focused? Any information you can give me to help me decide would be appreciated.
Honestly cant go wrong with either faction. Both have their rp rppvp pve and wpvp crowds and they tend to mesh together. I personally love ED even if we suffered due to warmode. I havent a clue what to really tell tou though as this is the only place i play, i cannot compare it.
Any reason you couldn’t do both?
I’ll give them both a try and see how it goes. Thank you both.
Check the similar post to yours for information on discord and community links, and the spreadsheet of guilds post.
And welcome to ED!
I may appear to be draenei but I identify as troll.
Zigra you’re back!
There’s a lot of great guilds to choose from - check out this guild listing to get a feel for the types of activities/themes/sizes for the respective guilds.
Also come into the Alliance and Horde RP Discords! Lots of great people there you can talk to and connect with to decide which groups you best mesh with.
Alliance RP Discord - https://discord.gg/9kjuD6P
Horde RP Discord - https://discord.gg/CmRHmE8
As far as the server “not being what it was before War Mode” - honestly there’s way more WPvP and RP-PvP now than there was in Legion, so I see it on the upswing. The community now is also much more inclusive and cooperative than it was in the past - the guilds in the respective factions do a lot of collaboration and we even have cross-faction cooperation for RP and RP-PvP.
What has changed is that zerg PvP isn’t what it once was - it’s on the down-swing and that’s a good thing IMO, there’s a lot more small/medium-scale PvP happening nowadays.
Thanks for the reply Nearo. This is exactly what I was wondering about. Glad to hear world pvp and rp/pvp are doing just fine. It sounds like one faction isn’t dominating the other either which is really nice.
On the forums, yes. In game, no.
You look stunning as a proper Dark Iron.
Sum total of today’s contribution.
I love this server and the people that are here. There are so many great guilds on this server. I play on both sides, I do wpvp and rp. Try them both and if you can handle wpvp with and against your other guildies, you should do fine.
I have a blast with these folks even with Nearo. He is a pretty cool guy for a hooman paladin.