This does apply to lasting words/lightwell though.
Realistically I expect the meta build to be Archon still because the apoth extension is incredibly valuable - but probably a swap of LoTN to Lightwell in the standard build.
HOWEVER, I think these changes will close the gap significantly for Oracle, and the ‘renew build’ that Blizz has been trying to make a thing is likely viable enough to actually play and be comparable to Archon now.
My expectation for Oracle in M+ is that it’s probably fairly decent now, especially in a couple dungeons. I don’t think Holy will be meta with these changes at all, but Oracle might end up taking the edge because of the renew/PoM changes. Empowered renew is actually going to be somewhat chunky for M+ now.
Basic way to look at it with napkin math (I’m not gonna go too in depth here):
Renew currently does ~55k per tick. That will be baseline next patch. Empowered renew increasing it another 120% + a bump from renewed faith. So we’re looking at a 125k ticking renew at about 6-7 ticks depending on haste. Prismatic echoes CAN take that to 160k.
Empowered renew can be extended by lasting words, which you’re likely to do on your tank. This is more of a deal in M+ because you can actually intentionally extend those renews there, wheras in raid you wouldn’t get great coverage. You also get longer duration as Oracle.
As far as PoM’s healing, it’s currently in the 130-140k range. Baseline buff of 20% + Preventative measures is going to also put it at ~218k per bounce.
These still aren’t healing FANTASTICALLY well, but it’s about in line with other spec’s maintenance heals, and we’ve still got our regular mastery, holy words, piety, etc.
Realistically M+ I could see being down to preference. Wheras raid I’d give archon an edge, but say Oracle can probably hang with it in HPS now.