Ooh, look at that Scarlet armor.
Ooh, look at that Scarlet armor.
While I’m mildly more excited about officially having Blademaster Beads for my warrior that’s a good looking set.
I remember when people would dunk on Scarlet RPers and now Blizz is just giving them all the toys to be our favorite zealots and I’m personally loving it.
Yuck what on earth is that hunter transmog.
And yeah they knew what they were doing because we all pre-ordered TWW and got the stormrider armor and now we have to get the EFFING MACES CMON BLIZZARD!!!
Oh man, I see a LOT of stuff on there primed to make a serious dent in all of the tendies I’ve been hoarding.
If it wasn’t for the Scarlet set, this would be the least amount of tenders I’ve spent. I’d only want the Craftsman Mallet and the Kalu’ak Treads. 100 tender total.
I wish the shield was separate from the robe and cloak. I won’t ever use the robe or cloak. The shield is a hi def version of the Scarlet Commander’s Aegis, which is nice.
Finally warcraft ugg boot
I will be vibing in the car with my Shaman Frog armor, tyvm.
We can’t let you xmog other armor types and the weapon restrictions are 100% necessary.
Also: here’s a candy cane sword.
I would pay 10000 chicken tender for a staff which is invisible when sheathed. I would use it on every caster
rip this item, truly the best part of WoD since it was bugged for several years and had no sheathed model
Any weapon slung over your back should be invisible when you’re wearing a backpack.
Always hated that. I like it when it looks like your backpack is over the weapon.
Also love the hunter set but am a Tauren. Not sure why they made it look Tauren specific.
For me, I will probably run out of tender this month.
It’s pretty bad that I’ve been considering pre-ordering the expansion -just- for the tenders. Not that I don’t always eventually buy the expansion months before launch anyway but I just didn’t want to justify Blizzard’s monetary practices. But I was dead set on purchasing every one of those class sets.
Jokes on me.
Cloaks, gloves, hoods, sarongs, mallet, gladius, scarlet set, tabard. 1600 tendies.
More importantly, by finishing December, I have only one more month before I cap out the year and get the warden set.
The Candied Blade delights me, I might have to make a character concept around them tbh
Oh wow that Scarlet set! Sarestha’s old job has the coolest uniforms now smh shouldn’t have moved to Deadlordaeron Inc.
Winter Veil needs more defenders, mate.
Thanks to the Trading Post Bug™, I can’t see a few of the items I wish to buy. I feel like I’m trying to buy a PS5 all over again
Kirsy why must you kill my Trading Post megathread
It’s a thread war now. You two have to have a thread duel. Loser joins Zenrao and Taalva in wow purgatory: the arbitrary forum ban.
The wishlist thread that hasn’t been posted in since 10/31?