[Dec 8th] You've been disconnected from the server

This very much WORKS!!!

The cache folder replacement is only a band aid fix. It’s not actually fixing the root issue which is CDN nodes serving out bad data. If you get a bad CDN node that’s serving out bad data again you’ll get the same issue again. Which you’ll then have to re-apply the band aid fix again (and possibly multiple times if it re-occurs).

Blizzard would be tracking down the root cause of why certain cache server CDN nodes are doling out bad data.


I couldn’t get them to work. I don’t know if they were outdated already or what.

Me too. Haven’t been on in two days - working like a dog - wanted to sneak in 20 minutes before breakfast… so frustrating.

constant DC’s on my end too. everything was fine for a while, then boom. i can log into to the character select screen, and as soon as the loading bar is filled up: “You have been disconnected from the server.”

guess i’ll just go run some errands then, come back and hope for the best. ._.

can we get a blue post confirming the band-aid fix? and or maybe you guys can link us an official working cache or something.

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I’ve been having the same thing happen to me all night. It’s so frustrating. My husband is sitting right next to me in the same room and can log into my account just fine. My son can log into my account from across town. I cannot for the life of me get into WoW on my computer.

I’ve deleted my cache/WTF/Interface folders, repaired the game, uninstalled and reinstalled it, tried installing a VPN, rebooted my modem and router…nothing is working.

It’s not really fun watching my husband log into my character while I can’t do anything.

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just tried the “fix” mentioned earlier. it seemed to work…for about 5 seconds, then boom. disconnected again. tried deleting the Cache/Interface/WTF folders, and now i can’t even get to the character select screen. ._.

This does fix it at least temporarily. Now Blizzard fix the actual problem so us users don’t have to do it for you.

who is going to be dumb enough to download something off a forum post like that

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tried this once more…worked for 5 seconds, then DC’d. tried logging in again, and it wouldn’t even take me to the character log-in screen, so i’m gonna quit before i get too frustrated over this. wouldn’t mind trying to go back to sleep anyway.

The first report came out at about 8P EST last night and it is nearly 7A. There is no excuse for a significant issue to last this long. 2 or 3 hours: Probably


Whoa there… Probably a couple thousand people have. If you read the thread more, and do a little research you will learn that the cache file cannot contain any viruses. Plenty of players who are now playing instead of worrying or complaining about malware or viruses!

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can we sort this out its not working for me either

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copied my wife’s cache folder and replaced mine… worked!! tyvm

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Yeah… I was playing fine on hubby’s PC… Went to swap to my laptop for us to play together, and bam. Now I can’t…

I used the DBcache file linked and it worked. I would like to note that I did not have a DBcache to begin with there.

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10 hours and no new info … yep sounds like blizzard


Yep I just did the same thing… Had to reset my elvui profile. But at least I can play!!

Here we are 10 hours later, and still the same thing. Blizzards tech team is the biggest bunch of worthless pond scum ever