Dec 12th forum post predictions

(X * Attack power / 14) would be (3.3 * 86/14) not (3.386/14).

So the real numbers would be…
Ashkandi = 229-344 + (3.3 * 86/14) = 306.77
R14 = 235-353 + (3.3 * 52/14) = 306.257

What I did though was look at only the damage the AP added. In this case 34 ap/14 = 2.42857… And then multiplied that by the 3.3 normalization = 8.014.

So I just added 8 to the min and max damage of Ash’kandi to give 237-352 vs the 235-353 of R14, because I wanted to retain the top-end damage and not just the average.

R14 has slightly more burst damage, Ash’kandi has significantly more sustain damage. R14 is better for mages, Ash’kandi is better for everyone else.

There is often truth in sarcasm.

Ouch, that’s rough. :smiley: Chances are you’ll get into the same AV though! :smiley:

I found the error in my previous math with the top end on AK.

Thats not how the weapon rolls work.

AK - game rolls a number between 229-344 and then adds the (3.3 * 86/14) (lets say it rounds that number) as a bonus to an instant attack. Mortal strike for example takes this number and then applies its own bonus of 160.

Lets say it rolled the highest it can roll.

AK = 344 + 20 + 160 = 524 MS non crit
R14 = 353 + 12 + 160 = 525 MS non crit

And then a sword spec proc
AK = 344 + 21.5 = 365 non crit
R14 = 353 + 14 = 367 non crit

Thats based on AP and weapon damage alone. The R14 weap still gives more health and an additional crit%. Close yes, but AK will never hit harder than a R14 weap.

The point is the impact damage is almost identical, and the sustain damage is much higher on Ash’kandi. In some cases I would rather an Ash’kandi and in some cases I would rather the R14.

In any case, if I had Ash’kandi I absolutely wouldn’t bother getting R14. And I would rather the C’thun Axe over both(the proc is sick). And lets not forget Might of Menethil.

Whats the conversion for 1% crit worth?

Current theorycrafting puts 1% crit = 30 ap. You keep forgetting about that extra crit on the R14 weapon.


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I think the 30 ap per crit is in raids fully buffed as fury and with full BiS gear. But it is probably close to that. Still doesn’t change the dynamic, would rather ash’kandi against a warlock or priest or another warrior or a shaman or pretty much any class other than mage.

And in pvp as an arms spec warrior stam > crit > ap. One weapon is a clear winner for pvp content, and equally competitive in pve. The other weapon is competitive in both.

A lot of people slowly realize that Classic was not the game of their memories, but a completely different one.

I saw so many complains about basic Vanilla features that we love and wanted back, that I am quite sure it will never stop. With the BG´s coming, there will be a huge uproar among people because of Queue times, because of premades, because of Rank 14 campers, bots in AV…

The biggest uproar will surely happen with AQ, when a streamer guild opens the gates and takes the mount. I see big fury and anger coming, no matter if such a mount is totally worthless in the end.

Worst btw. is LFG. People trashed retail for having an LFG, forgetting about Classics LFG that did exist and now they all use that addon which automates grouping, as it´s too hard by chat.

It´s been quite rare, that a premade did farm GY´s. During my Rank 14 days, I clearly kicked everyone out, who did that.

Sure, some will do it, but it´s more likely in pug vs. pug.

I agree though, that there will be people leaving BG´s if they see a premade, as they are so demoralized, that they don´t want to give free HK´s. Which is a shame, actually, as no premade is unbeatable.

Some of my biggest wins as a solo Q, were against a premade. But it takes leadership qualities and people that trust you, which is unlikely in a cross realm system.

For me, the best pvp in WOW I had in Classic pre 1.12. I look a bit worried about the BG´s implementation, as I know how “unfair” 1.12. pvp was for pugs. But people wanted this, so they have to live with it now. Safest bet is to just queue AV 24/7, solo Q get´s the highest honor there, playing WSG or AB solo is not worth it, sadly.

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I predict there will be minimal complaints about premades.

You’re underestimating the number of people playing this game. There are going to be a ton of randoms up and running. You’ll probably see one premade every 4-5 games. And lots of people will just opt for AV anyways.

This is why i love the x realm bg’s. Not server locked. I just hope the out the 4 OCE realms in the same battle group, so we dont have to q with the NA servers.

the only post you will see is

rrrrrrreeeeeee im getting gy camped by horde premades…lol.

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Time will tell but I don’t see this helping as much as people think it will.

People focus too much on population and not enough on what that population is actually interested in doing.

I could be wrong, but I’m still predicting horrible bg queues for most horde players.

Most Europeans are incapable of writing coherent English, and I do prefer to discuss topics with people that actually understand what I’m saying.

That being said, I frequent both boards at the same time.

I see, then you’re a unique case not to be generalized.

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People are going whine when theyre getting ctushed by premades. Yet they dont want to give up road fighting and hk chasing.

now will it be crossrealm with the same realm type? (PvP servers only face PvP servers) or will it be crossrealm against all realm types (PvP vs PvE).

if its only PvP vs PvP realms than the pop imbalances just gets extended out as theres only 3 dominant ally pop PvP realms, but if its a realm type free for all that should change the Meta from GY camp to fast wins due to the availability of games for the horde.

it was battle groups before so you can expect the same thing.

i think battle groups included pve and pvp servers.