Debunking the "Anti-RDF" arguments!

I personally think RDF should be in the game for previous expansions content as yes, it can be far too difficult to find groups with how spread out the population gets.

Once you get to current expansion content I am more on the fence. I dont much mind either way if RDF is in, but ended up asking myself why exactly I was against it at all? And these were the best reasons I could put behind my emotions.

just play retail. let me /walk to my dungeons okay?

And you seriously think RDF stops you from walking to dungeons?


Most anti-rdf are just suffering of a fake nostalgia feeling.
In fact most people dont even know(or remember) that it was first implemented in 3.3.0 patch.


Just wanted to comment on this one. RDF does make the game easier in the sense that Blizzard designs content that has a 90+% success rate with 5 random people with no communication can complete. See Cata heroics before the nerf. Cata heroics was the direction they wanted to go. After they decided to cave and nerf them, heroics we’re never the same. Just 15min little distractions for badge farming.

And if you were here on the forums during Cata, you’d would’ve seen threads of people complaining “The Dungeons are overtuned”. Honestly though, with Cata Dungeons, I hope we get the pre-nerfed dungeons, but Wrath Dungeons are just basically a faceroll.

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Yes over tuned because the expectation was to clear it with a RDF group. Which is the point some of us are making.

Cata heroics were not some insanely hard content. They were hard for a random group of 5 people with zero accountability and communication.


ya man wtf. are you seriously consistently whining that you cant play the game how YOU want to play it but chirp others for the way THEY want to play? just go play a different game if you dont like it. simple.

Ok, so back up to my last point then:

Coming from this comment

to my question

How does this come down to “whining”? Seriously, did RDF really stop you from being able to manually form a group and walk to the dungeon?

why do you do things that you dont enjoy? its weird

I do remember when rdf was added. The game was already watered down and easy and the “go go go mentality” began. Rdf was just an inevitability when they dumb down content and encourage speed running. I would honestly like to see a Vanilla server with rdf on it, but make it so you need to have discover the zone where the dungeon is first.

What a load of bullcorn boosting is basically dead and dungeon gdkps… like what game are you playing who would do a dungeon gdkp

If you think back to early Phase 1, there we’re certain heroics that went better with certain classes. Like Shaman in Shettehk Halls for their tremor totem, mages for blood furnance, etc. You can’t design a dungeon where a class has an advantage is dealing with mechanics or design an encounter that requires some CC or planning, if the random people you are grouped with don’t have any CC.

Overtuned was probably the word given, because people we’re pulling an entire pack at once, and they would probably have too without being able to plan what tools they needed to complete the task.

Agreed. Blizzard please add RDF to the game :sob:.


Are you actually reading any post properly or are you just spouting out random nonsense?


I did mention I personally think keeping it for old content/levelling is a good plan. I like this idea. I am more trying to voice why people dont like RDF as the pro RDF group always likes to shout that there is no reason to be against it.

I mean this is basically what Blizzard did in the end but it ended up with the bloated normal/heroic/mythic/mythic+ that retail wow is today.

Thats the point.

This new tool doesnt add anything of social value.

Youre literally just inviting people and running the dungeon.

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But what about the normal leveling dungeons of the “current expansion”. As I said, I was playing with a friend early hours of the morning, and we had quest to enter ramps. Tried to form a group and after an hour, couldn’t even get a group together and just gave up. And also, Remolus, being the only Oceanic PVE Server, it is also Alliance heavy (not that it would effect me since I’m playing Alliance on the server), but what about those who play Horde on the server?

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This is classic WoW. All the raid content is a joke. LFR wasnt the introduction of people having the ability to play raids in a dumbed down state, because vanilla and TBC were already dumbed down to the point that the average bad player could clear it. LFR definitely was a poor addition though.

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I think LFR was put in for busier people who wanted to see the content and story that went with it.

Its literally irrelevant

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