WoW shouldn’t be like FF14 though, I’m playing FF14 now and it might as well be a solo game compared to my experience with classic actually making friends. it sure is convenient just clicking a button and forming into a group of randoms from various servers that stomp a dungeon in record time but it’s not the same experience as finding my first classic guild through a fun ZF group. I’d like server-bound RDF because I want to see more people from my realm it is more meaningful playing with players you can see in Dalaran
It didn’t though. Back in Wrath originally any decently sized realm was rampant with having issues being able to actually phase into a dungeon because instance servers were at capacity. Dungeons were massive in Wrath because their attitude with using dungeons as the vessel to push the whole play the patch, not the expansion concept via emblems.
This is 90% of their comments… EG: I’m too lazy to argue a valid counter and I’m bored stuck at work statement.
Hey look, opinions.
This whole post debunks nothing.
Or the fact it is 7.16am in the morning here in Sydney and Oceanic Servers are pretty much quiet due to people either waking up to go to work or people still be asleep. Bet you never thought about this one.
EDIT: Also, speaking of work, I’m off. Thanks for the reminder. (Oh wait, it’s day off )
Hello fellow Aussie, I too have the day off
Day Off Party
You now it, been up all night playing wow
Some things, yes. The same reason we have weekly raid lockouts. Nothing in a game, not even gear, NEEDS to be scarce, but scarcity adds value.
I think that is subjective, mostly due to “what the item is”.
They’re strange to you because they have an ulterior motive that they don’t want you to know about. They all have guilds or friends that make A LOT of money off of GDKP dungeon runs and they realize RDF would take a lot of their business away.
GDKP…dungeon runs??? Or is this a joke
Or what the experience is. Of course value is determined by consumers. But abundance does remove value to many, who are looking for scarcity.
There’s a reason everybody doesn’t just go farm boars in Hellfire Peninsula.
Yeah, agree’d.
I believe one very arguable point is RDF did make the game easier, and to an extent made people quit the game.
RDF was implemented in late WOTLK. So its effects on dungeon designs were not actually felt until later expansions. The first issue with RDF came up in Cata heroics. RDF groups are inherently going to be worse as there is zero control over group make up and much less accountability. I dont think anyone can really argue that RDF does not on average make weaker groups.
So what RDF did is warp content. Cata heroics had to be heavily nerfed. MOP dungeons were a useless joke. This did make the game easier and for many people made the game worse. 5 mans were now constrained to what the lowest level of groups could clear. Blizzards eventual work around was to create a new “tier” of difficulty for dungeons that RDF couldnt sign up for.
Now none of this matters in classic WOTLK as the dungeons designs are already done. So now it becomes a more emotional argument. Some people dont like where the game went. RDF had a large impact on game design. Much larger then most people want to admit or realize. So even though it doesnt really matter in WOTLK, there is a group of players that have valid reasons for not liking it.
If this game goes into Classic Cata I would greatly hope they dont allow RDF to que for heroics and keep them at the pre nerf versions.
I prefer the game without it, but I have to say the Wrath dungeoning experience is so comically faceroll that old fashion pugs barely speak to one another anyway. So you might as well just add it. This is why I prefer Vanilla and BC to wrath.
All your rebuttals are as anecdotal as the points you are contesting. Basically just, “in my experience,” and “It seems to me,” and “I think that.”
Blizzard has the actual data. They know full well why people left the game.
The Anti-RDF people have one goal and one goal only. They are either boosters/GDKPers and don’t want to shrink their cash cow or they sell gold to people who GSDK and want to gatekeep the content as much as possible. Its that simple. Anything else they tell you or want you to believe is nonsense.
Well, that is the thing? Why not have RDF kept for normal and levelling dungeons, and why not make people travel to Heroic Dungeons. It is basically pointless for Wrath as dungeons were just a walk in the park, with how extremely easy they are, and I do not think Blizzard is just going to buff up those dungeons to the point where the mob smacks you down.
But that is the point, why not lock Heroic behind having to manually form a group and let levelling/normal dungeons be queueable through RDF?
I mean, I’ll put this way. Around 3am this morning, I was helping a friend level, and they had a few quest for Ramps that needed to be done. Me on a Hunter and they on a Paladin, we couldn’t form a group after an hour in queue trying to form that group, so both of us gave up. My friend went to bed, and I decided to continue on doing other stuff in game.