Deathwing Horde Reconnections

Sup Paperboy!

Ah, the nostalgia…

Maybe She Won’t See Us
Half Stock
Full Stock

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I’m already temp-banned from the forums! <3

Just like we used to, <3<3

I am rolling alliance on Atiesh, im too old for the pvp game, and want to taste that sweet blessing of salvation life this time.


Sightless is still around! Not sure if he’s going to play Classic, though. He works for Riot games now

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My warlock was Grishnaka and my warrior was Zuqar, playing horde on Whitemane, I can’t believe some of the names i’m seeing here


hello, deathwing. I was more TBC than vanilla, but I was around for most of vanilla too, just as a scrub. will be on herod. alliance, unfortunately, hands are tied.


That’s awesome, good to know.

Paperboyyyy. Always gonna call you theBtrain even though you pulled better numbers than him.


Name: Talador
Server: Deathwing
Class: Undead mage
Guild(s): Descendants of Draenor and Unbridled Apathy

I also ran a friends guild with Katakotia (Tauren Hunter). I am now playing as Scornius (Warrior) on Herod in the upcoming classic release :slight_smile:


Descendants of Draenor

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Oh my lord i remember you!


Kaven and Taevious!

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HAHA I’m trying to get TheAtrain back too! This time we wont both be hunters though. going to roll on Whitemane i think

What’s going on in here?

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Nuecliptic / Salios
Playedin midnight rodeo with some friends. Was horrible at the game but have improved over the years lol. Cant remember many peoples character names but looking forward to Classic


Jesus some of these names are super old. I use to play in Descendants of Draenor as a hunter name Dranlu but wasn’t really was pretty quite till TBC days. I remember PPP guild lead being so annoying always trying to pilfer :stuck_out_tongue:

Ah, well a bunch of us are rolling on Fairbanks and got a guild set up and everything. If you change your mind about Whitemane, hit me up man.

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A group of old AP and SR are going to be playing Classic on Herod Horde. Jahyrex from AP/SR/Valhalla here.
It’s nice to see some familiar names after all these years!

Hey its me your neighbor. Are you big brother or little brother?
Either way message me on Discord: Creatiny#7111

name Tlffany,
class: Rogue.
where are my 2 most hated rogue? (chias and 1 more) HAHAHA

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