Deathwing Horde Reconnections

Old organizing habits die hard. If anyone is interested in parking themselves in my (mostly) unused Discord server, shoot me a DM:

BattleNet MockOutrage#1182
Discord: mikerucki#7043

Would definitely be interested in trying to find myself in the same place as the old guard, since I’m more excited about the people than I am the game.

  • Rigor

Joreus you cute son of a

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Barkley - Orc Warrior
Trashwarlock/Dirtydutch - Orc warlock
Winslow - Troll Shaman

Guild leader of Midnight Rodeo.

Hope everyone is excited as I am to gank the hell out of red ridge until one of these D-Bag streamers does a whole segment about us. I think they deserve the real classic experience deathwing style.

We are coming back for Classic on the Herod server if anyone is interested in reconnecting. We will be doing dungeons PvP raids the normal stuff you would expect. Also interested in partnering up with other guilds since all of our numbers have probably dwindled over the years. No absorbing and we don’t want to get absorbed. Hopefully this time around be can keep the drama to a minimum (it sure is fun sometimes though). Hit me up if your are interested. Looking forward to seeing some familiar faces.

Battletag - dirtydutch#1830
Discord - dirtydutch#9123


Maxxum! :grinning:

Send me a friend request to magey#0001, we got a little Deathwing refugee discord going on now.

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Sent you a friend request, want that discord link!

You can also post the link, if needed

Here it is

Chopliver- Undead Rogue

Guilds- And Justice For All, Vile, Thunder Billies and PPP in BC

/wave at Hwi and Chias and many more that I remember from then.


Ralthuk, Orc Warrior Main Tank.
I played with the guild Vile

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I heard Chopliver is coming back to Deathwing <3

Gonna be rolling on Fairbanks with of a bunch of DWers. Say hi if you see me ingame.


Celege - The single greatest Troll Priest that ever lived. Was in Admonished Prophets from launch until it fell apart. Blizzard made me change my name from “Amishbob” (Too many Amish people complaining) and random-assigned me the name “Celege” so I ran with that until I server transferred with Valhalla years later.


DUDE! Dude. Dude! Zero, man! It has been too long. Never expected someone to bring up Porkchop Sandwiches.

Throwing my name out there if anyone is curious:
Bnet: Flimflam#1449
Discord: sirflimflam#1172


And I remember you :grinning:

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I remember your work on Flimfinder, it was dope! Are you planning to make any addons for Classic? Good to see you again

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Nice seeing you again too! I’ve got some ideas for classic… I’ve actually been mulling over a modern Flimfinder for classic. I really liked what it contributed to Deathwing way back when – would be kinda cool to see a revival.

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It’s unfortunate many will be split West/East now that there aren’t middle America servers :frowning:

O haaaaaaaaai.

Still trying to see if I can get some more old fellas back on Classic. I think Ktulu’s on the fence still too.


Chias and I have decided to go horde on Herod, please join us!


Rhob Troll Rogue
CAFN (Clans are for nerds)
Tribes of Blackhand
We took the free transfer option to Malorne when it was created because the login queues were wrecking our raid nights.

Some of us are in contact and returning for Classic

Quote: “I lick sacks for silvers… if you’re interested” - Afex (4th December 2004)

I also have a screenshot of you going into the bank in Org 21st Dec 2004

Names from screenshots CAFN:

Afex, Rhob, Aorom, Batistation, Will, Kendel, Pihzhihkee, Meshvt, Icky, Exarti, Derival, Xerxcies, Junglist, Skaar, Trife, Diakka, Sors (Hammer?), Poonjabi, Aybara, Hoovilation, Glyphers, Alucard, Aliandra, Kewsh, Njord, Oviate, Farm

I’m not sure how many of those names came from SoF2, maybe half?

Returning for classic and will probably be on Herod playing a Warrior