Deathwing Alliance Reconnections

Formerly played classic characters :

  • Plutondrius - Night Elf Rogue
  • Neptrius - Gnome Warlock

Current main since BC:

  • Venius - Draenei Shaman

I honestly don’t even remember what guilds I was in back then. The guild I do remember and identify most strongly with was Inertia, however I didn’t join them until BC where I raided with them as my shaman Venius.


Although I didn’t play with them during classic, I would be most interested in reconnecting with players from Inertia! I don’t know how much I’m going to play Classic but I’ll check it out at the very least.

I’ve mained as a shaman since BC, but I’m committed to staying as alliance for classic so this time around I’m going to roll as a druid named Venius!


/wave Arias, Dalara, Aang, Meryl, and Zeke!

  • Dritanis, alliance paladin.
  • I was considered a “guild hopper” back in the day, but I remember most of them: ORLY factor, Reign of Valor, Ravencrest Watch, Inertia, Raiding Rainbow, FEST (I think, they raided with RoV back in the day and had multiple raid runs going), Costa/Costa Clan.
  • Just looking to find people I used to raid with. I pushed AQ 40 and Naxx with many of the high end guilds and would like to see how everyone’s doing and possibly play classic together!

me and my guild are setting up on Pagle hord side!
come join us! Shout out to Drusilla, Runiar and Mordraug and the rest of the disciples! yall come with!
add me gullstaff#1228

Hey old Deathwing crew. Was looking to see if any of the old Word to Bird / Slash Cry / Raiding Rainbow guys were coming back for some fun.

My character name was Logizmo and I was a gnome warlock.

Loade, Euro, Fluke… any of you guys playing?

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Tlffany hahaha

I see Euro, Fluke and ol Caal on live often haven’t talked Classic though.

Interesting. I didn’t think they played anymore. I’ll have to log in and see. Some good times PvPing and raiding with those guys.

Hey Venius!

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Alaina! now thats a name I havent heard in a long time lol I demand that you get Prudence back !

Aratar hello friend!


Hello Sentra!

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Valdek, Human Paladin. Looking for old members of Hand of the Highlord. I’ll be playing on Atiesh if any of you see this.

Well I got my old name, yay!!! Will be rolling on Oceanic PvE server Remulos as Possum, Human Warlock.

I know most players from Deathwing were from US however there were no Oceanic servers back then. Many of us aussies found a home here, with saturday morning raids.

Sent us a msg ingame if anyone wants to catchup. Cya 27th, booya!

Name: Littleninja (gnome rogue)

Guild: The Disciples

Looking for/remember Church, Bullvai, Bullmoose, Torfinna… and last but not least Beaverp

I used to tank your ZG pugs on my gnome warrior Bluoo.

• Skarla, Human Warlock
• Elysium
• Mojorider, Tanger, Loganx, Headache and everyone else from Elysium

We played mainly BC and raided Kara but would love to get in touch again! Still play with Littlebigman too.

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Name: Talador
Server: Deathwing
Class: Undead mage
Guild(s): Descendants of Draenor and Unbridled Apathy

I also ran a friends guild with Katakotia (Tauren Hunter). I am now playing as Scornius (Warrior) on Herod in the upcoming classic release :slight_smile:

Names used in classic
Branik (warrior) Guinness/Guinney (pally blizz made me change the name)

Guilds I remember playing with
Warriors of Valor is who I started out with and played with for quite a while.
Big Red One is the guild I ended up in and raided some in MC with on my Pally.

Honestly don’t remember many people from back then because I was military and getting deployed all the time. Anyway Rolling toons on Herod Ally side.

Name: Azshalia, Night Elf Rogue
Guilds: Amnesty all through vanilla, then Necessary Evil in BC.

Wow its like a blast from the past in this thread, all these familiar names.

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Your name sounds so familiar, my friend.

Sylock - Human Rogue