Deathwing Alliance Reconnections

Name: Daystar
Clase: NE Rogue
Guilds: Shadowsomething that merged with The Disciples.

Hey guys seeing a whole bunch of familiar names. Jeez this brings back memories. Looking to hit up Church, Fearthebait, Bullmoose, Torfina, Marger. If any of you guys remember me hit me up Gsqard#1973 I played into BC a little but lost interest.

Haelor, Dwarf Priest
Immortal Coil guild
Played with Dav, Ripitrox, Ripsgirl, Warl, Crackere, Maximus, Hugin, Munin, Berzerker, Ralph, too many to remember.

Was in Heralds of the Dawn before I created my own guild. We raided MC and killed two bosses in BWL before I had to quit because my son was born. I’m playing on Stalagg now, horde warrior.

Hey killabx, this is thugnasty - you and crayon were in my guild when you started out. Add me Mygrex#1992

Character Name: Nizzit
Race: Night Elf
Class: Warrior
Guilds: Silent Angels, Ravencrest Watch. That 70’s Guild in Tbc.
Looking for Nivramas, Shadris, Hordesbane, and Perinsfail.
Discord: Airistides#6881

Yo Sentra it’s Elitenuub! You gonna be playing classic?

And I thought I was like the only aussie on deathwing!!! most took over proudemoore and blackwing haha and yes my god the morning raids!!!

Balain I rolled on Remulos as well Dwarf Paladin!

Dude! I remember you! It’s been so long it took me a second :joy: have you had any luck tracking down mojo! Little and I haven’t kept in touch with anyone from Elysium unfortunately

Wow I actually remember you too! This nostalgia just keeps bringing stuff back lol. Toma actually responded to me on here and a couple of us have been looking for Mojo. I didn’t even remember Angrydoom until you mentioned him but that’s coming back too lol

Character Name: Cupnoodle
Race: Night Elf
Class: Hunter
Guild: Descension of Anarchy

Battlenet: Cupnoodle#1392

shoot, messed up my first reply. anyways, i remember you. good see ya again.

Stormstout, Dwarf, Warrior
Sons of Death?? i think (sons of dustin…lol)
Snerm Dwarf Holy Paladin, Any of my guildies cause i forgot all ur name

On Rattlegore (Human warrior Goatee)

STING was great, I moved over to DP also (Klein Dwarf Warrior, and Ruut NE Druid). I was Tashed’s pocket healer in BG’s.

Hey I remember the names! Add me to discord! We’ve got over 50 STING/DP guys in there now. Come say hi!

Name: Pappas

Guilds: Ravencrest Watch/Inertia

If anyone from RCW or Inertia are still looking for somewhere to go hit me up.
btag bl00dsh0t#1143

Zombie! Bro its Pappas hit me up if you’re playing bl00dsh0t#1143

good good all good. miss those good old days ^^

Seems I’m way late but

Name: Evey(female human mage)

Guilds: Priory de Scion, The Disciples, Path of Light, ORLY Factor and raided with Raiding Rainbow cause I had friends in the guild

Komodo! my man. its sintaro was thinking i could possibly find you on here.

let me know how i can get in touch would be awesome to catch up.

Race: Night Elf
Class: Warrior

KOMODO!!! MY MAN. This is magiguy. I remember playing with you and tarah cant really remember playing with anyone else. Bro HMU. I just started playing classic a month ago im a 60 human mage again… playing on Faerlina alliance.

Yoooo this was my first server i played back in the day on classic, think i was here in TBC as well before i transferred.
Name: Magiguy
Alliance, Human Mage

Cant really remember any guilds or anything I was in but just PM me if you remember me Im sure ill recognize you too. Currently playing alliance on faerlina looking to transfer somewhere in TBC