Are you the gm shaman?
You knew Stammpy /Thoxin? Im a RL friend of his, think about him all the time, Mugiwara#1112 if you care to add
I added you. Stammpy and i were super close! This month sucks for me when it comes to him. I miss him more than anything.
Server: Deathwing
ZombieCo - Paladin
Ravencrest Guard
Ravencrest Watch
Hope all my old friends have been well.
Character: Mirri
Class/Race: Night Elf Rogue
Guild: Sacred Coven
I’m amazed by how many names I recognize. I wasn’t planning on renewing my sub for Classic but I’m getting bit by the nostalgia bug now.
Server: Deathwing.
Name: Quickill (Human Rogue)
Guilds: Orly Factor
Good to see some ORLY back on the game!
Holy crap X
I’ve talked with EmpWSA, Punkers I don’t think either of them are coming back.
Character: Pepper
Race/Class: Human Paladin
Guilds: Legendary Souls, Descension of Anarchy, Poseido, Jarlemats, Nerd Alert
Yo I think I remember doing some PvP with you in STV. I was a human warrior named Estaban.
Name: Istarion
Race/Class: Night Elf Druid
Guilds: The Drunken / STING / Costa / Ravencrest Guard / Ravencrest Watch
It’s pretty awesome seeing everyone posting here. I’m still playing off and on, my Druid still exists, although this isn’t the original (at one point rerolled horde before faction transfers became a thing). I’ve never spent any time on anything but a druid for the most part.
Plan on going full on beartank for classic… Should be interesting since it wasn’t considered a viable spec back then, but I think with our better understanding now that it might actually be doable.
Good to see a lot of you, Aratar, Alaina, Aeryx, probably others as well though I haven’t made it through the thread yet.
Would love to see some of the old RCG crew again:
Kirika, Kaylenn, Blar, can’t think of some of the names at this point, so my apologies.
Already reserved some names on server Pagle (yes, it’s a normal server, not PVP, wife’s decision), plan on being Alliance.
hey bud!
good to see ya around!
this is my ALT, I had an issue using my mage to post on the forums… but it has been fixed.
In case folks are still undecided, myself and a bunch of other folks I know for reals and current guildies are on Atiesh, which is PvE.
Name: Langdon (human/Paladin)
Spec: Holy
Guilds: Path of Light , 300, Twilight Hunters
if you are getting back on when classic drops, and you know me hit me up on Discord at PrOfess0r Haze#5472
Tragic - Human Rogue
-Been in a few guilds honestly cant remember them all but a lot of Inertia/Poseido names sound really familiar.
Not really looking for anyone specific just like seeing old familiar names =)
Where are the group of people i use to grind with to grand marshell? Lets do it again!
Aka Tlffany
Name: Redirhtaed
Human Warlock
I remember you!!! Its me Rexxer!!! the druid!!!
Name: Gnomishwrath
Race: Gnome
Guild: Warriors of Valor
Just wanted to see if any guilds were out there. Would love to know what you all are up to.
Hey I was Oriko(rogue) in Sacred Coven. I will be Playing on the Atiesh server for Alliance