Hey wondering thoughts on the following:
Deathstalker mark currently bugging out falling off, here are my suggestions for it.
allow it to be non timed buff on self
the application should be based off either abilities from stealth, meaning not just ambush but any damaging ability used in stealth. That way garrote could be its catalyst to initiate the mark cycling. Another option would be deathmark stacks only apply once rupture is on the target.
That way ambush opening isnt as optimal to make it fluid.
instead of the final mark in the hero talent tree, if stacks were to reapply via rupture being cast for example meaning wouldnt be based off stealth you could make every 3 or for 4 marks grant a dmg boost and another set of marks set up. ( if you want crazy amount of marks.
i understand you want only one target only affected by deathmark, so when youd swap to a different target there would be spell ie similar to tge talent effect of caustic f where it can only be on a single target youre now focusing with the use of mutilate, maybe that could be mutilate?
Maybe by having that debuff active is what could trigger the activity of deathstalkers buff on self charge wise!
piggy backing off point 4 and #1 making it a self buff we dont have stacks build up to crazy numberd but the ability could have an effect up to 3x only. With the final mark buff going back to 1 to start cycle again.
First envenom over 5 cb pts could do 33%, second 66%, and last one 100% plus crit, going back to 1. -
the talent in the hero tree that was based off mark usage could then just function off the number of marked envenoms used prior to 35% life, dropping its nuke as boss hits 35%. The other suggestion would be having it maybe not a nuke but a bleed that would be applied at 35% that would last for x seconds, based off the number of envenoms. Any additional envenom could make the effect last 1 more second.
The bleed could guarantee addiotional resource regen of energy.
Let me know what you guys think.