Deaths Cold Embrace (DCE)

talent is going to be a huge problem from many different angles

the damage is fun of course but definitely overtuned as expected

if its nerfed the net loss will be to great from losing Dead of Winter

The RP walk forced movement reduction that ignores everything is rage inducing, might be worth making a cancel PoF macro

It misaligns cds and acts as a pseudo removal of Icecap, so not only do you lose the honor talent slot for taking it but you also lose a real talent slot as well to counteract its effect

it should probably just get nerfed damage wise by a loot, remove all the negative downsides, and add another talent to compensate for the loss of dead of winter


I don’t understand why they dislike CC setups, this is just PvE hype roflcopter damage.

Its already nerfed, down to 750% from 1000%. The obvious hate for dks is obvious,


and its still game breakingly strong at 750% and poses other problems to our spec for being tuned the way it is

its gotta get toned down, and the downsides removed

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Such a stupid idea for a talent and I cannot believe it went live like this. Removing dead of winter is fine, it was an excessive amount of micro cc and it sucked to play against. All we needed in return was some more single target damage outside of pillar and maybe a survivability buff against physical.

This new talent is going to be a problem. If they keep it strong and balance the spec around it then we’re back to being a one minute wonder again. If they nerf it to uselessness then frost will be in a worse place than we started with dead of winter.

They should have got rid of the stun on dead of winter and just buffed the damage and radius of remorseless winter. Having a 30 second cooldown that did some heavy damage outside of pillar would have been great.

Seeing everybody scatter is pretty funny tho


I mean… I’m definitely going to be doing some lich king role play tonight with it in epics. Gotta have some fun before it gets nerfed of course.

conceptually the talent is very flavorful and good compared to the other actual garbage we have, its just grossly overtuned, and has negative downsides attached that make it rather unfun to play

im convinced that if they removed the damage increase entirely, and the negative downsides entirely, the talent would still be played and would still be the best talent we had for damage, Effectively it can extend your uptime on gathering storm at its base, Any damage increase that might be attached after that is a cherry on top. Hence why i think the damage increase should be limited to 100%-300% with the downsides removed

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Nerfed to 400%, i guess it was fun while it lasted (literally 3 days lmao).
Meanwhile ww and arms get away with a slap on the wrist, cool stuff.


yeah and 400% does not justify the disgusting forced movement speed of 29%

Remove the movement speed penalty

The value our cleave class got from having a good lockdown like Dead of Winter cannot be understated, The talent as it currently is with 2 negative downsides and its new nerfed damage cannot possibly hope to compensate frost for the loss of DoW, And arguably the talent might prove to be more of a hinderance than be of any help when people can start face tanking the remorseless winter damage, let alone still have the option to just run away from it, easier than before now to since it does less damage


Yea, from what I’ve seen a majority of people predicted this getting nerfed. I also think it was fair to say it was doing far too much damage. The problem now lies with its downsides. Blizzard really needs to pick one or reduce the downside of the movement speed substantially. I guess it’ll leave room now to talent swap. Players at certain ratings will just laugh now when you active PoF.

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i legit couldnt care how they handle the damage part of the talent more than i want that movement speed debuff gone

how many more times are we gonna nerf the talent down from the original 1000% buff it was created with, also the debuffs it provides were originally put there because of the 1000% buff

its now 400% not 1000%, more than half the damage completely gone but absolutely 0 change on the negative aspect of the talent

remove the slow


I mean… it was like saying the sky is blue. 100% it was going to be nerfed.

There just arent enough people on the PTR to test these things so when it gets to live they have to do live testing and it gives people talking points like “they hate dk’s” and so on. Just goes on to my point of the majority of DK’s just wanting to be overpowered.

Skys falling for everyone that got nerfed.

Warriors are freaking out right now. It isn’t just dks.

You are trash. Just straight trash. Go ahead and play victim, it’s just going to make me go harder on you. Very obvious that you hate dks and just come here to troll.

It always is.

You need a snickers.

What victim? Did you read my post at all or are you just making up what you want to read in your head and just blurting out whatever you want to?

Go ahead? Its just going to get another thread shut down because you guys cant act right.

I was right, you are just making up whatever you want to believe and going after people. Stay salty because others have common sense. There was no way this was going to stay at 1000% damage increase.

Never said it was. It didn’t go live at 1000%.

Pretty clear you’re happy about this because others are miserable which is what makes you trash.

This was a newb killer trap talent. I’ve been playing into it for almost a week now on my rogue and shadow priest. It makes the fdk insane easy to kill, people just walk out of the damage because of hyper mobility due to pve.

What are you talking about? Quit jumping on my case because I have common sense and you get triggered because of a name.

Oh yea it was painfully obvious it was going to get nerfed, it was a game breaker.

I personally don’t want to be OP that’s boring, can’t speak for everyone though. However i’ll find out through my own testing if 400% still justifies an RP walk in arena. It’s probably still going to be too powerful in the likes of BGs.

If the damage no longer cuts it then it’s a waste of space and it can be added to the bin like frosts rot and wither. Damn shame if that’s the case too since we lost a really quality stun.

I mean, people have been talking about the LK in HoR and its what they got. Granted its only for PvP but still it shows the issues with that type of gameplay. Damage has to be insane to justify it and people dont like playing against.

Ive just been playing Cata though. If I could land a Gurthalak I would play some Unholy too. At least I got my Souldrinkers.

that talent even if it had 0% damage buff onto remorseless winter (assuming no downsides) would still be one of your best talents to pick from, the competition it has among other talents is basically 0 considering how almost every single fdk honor talent is a super niche and quite terrible utility talent, at the very least you can get better gathering storm value from the new talent, let alone if it also amps the damage up like it currently does

Nobody can say i didnt warn them, i made several posts when this talent was announced for the first time about how game breaking it would be, the dangers of nerfing it for the spec, how the spec needed more compensation in the form of maybe 2 new weaker talents instead of 1 uber powerful giga talent etc etc

Also stop filling this forum up with arguing with kelliste, nobody cares what they think stop entertaining it