Deathmaker Legendary: How did I not notice this before?

Hello fellow Fury warriors!

It’s no secret, Fury is undertuned right now. This helped me feel better about my choice. I Hope it helps you. And if this Information is already out there, I’m sure it is, my apologies in advance.

So real quick, the Deathmaker legendary… If you use Siegebreaker after the Legendary procs, it resets the Siegebreaker debuff back to 10secs. If you use Siegebreaker before the Legendary procs, it extends the debuff. OK THEN.

I saw this happen multiple times while hitting the dummy in Kultiras. This isnt datamined information or speculation. I watched it happen and I didnt even notice it before. Ive since added a Aura > Target > Debuff > Name: Siegebreaker > Not found - trigger to my Siegebreaker WA. Works much better in an ST situation.

I realise that in AoE this isnt much of an issue to track unless you end up cleaving Siegebreaker off your main target onto an add already affected by the Legendary’s debuff, essentially resetting it with a new one. Whether thats a big deal to you or not… have at it.

Pretty sure im not the first to notice it. Havent seen anyone mention it on the forums, if someone has then all good.
Obviously its not gonna make a huge difference to our spec dps as a whole. But it did certainly make me take notice and as a result I now do a bit more dps. A bit… Happy dayz.

Hope that helps!


Hasn’t come up in about a month but we did have a discussion on it.
Everything you’ve observed is correct obviously, seems like a bug to some of us (me included) but I wouldn’t count on them changing it at this point.

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Ahh excellent. I read through that thread while still at the dummy.
After continuously taking its health down to zero, I am now doing ~300 to ~500 dps more at 1.5M damage done every time after making the adjustment. While this information is not actual data (in any meaningful way) I am happier than i was earlier with this knowledge in hand, feelsgoodman.

It is definitely buggy and like you im not a fan of delaying SB to save overwriting the debuff. I think being aware of this “bug” is key but Im not holding my breath as to whether they will fix it.
A legendary whose debuff can be overwritten by the very spell it represents is… Kinda not Legendary? I guess we’ll see.

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