No one needs to be around to hear it attacking a dummy or fighting in the maw can trigger it (have not retested taking dmg since hotfix, this is a little bit harder now that im not over leveled for the zone while leveling)
Headset - Logitech G635 (as seen in the DXdiag)
recommended settings set, re adjusted master sound only starting at 40% will adjust further if to loud
error speech always off (god awful annoyance)
backround sound is enabled
(side note ive individually tested all the play back options in the sound settings, as well as the hardware settings, but this was all documented in the tickets)
will test this set up on the DK tomorrow with fresh dailies
and thanks for the help of which more information to provide
another thread found
friend got online so i went and did some world quests with them popping still occurred
i have re disabled DSP effects and readjusted my volume sliders to comfortable levels, since the popping happened again