Why can’t we fly around on the Deathcharger mount?!?! this makes ZERO sense. I need to use a flying mount, get off of it, then get on the Deathcharger mount? Wtf is going on? how did this pass beta test??
Did all the streamers who were fishing for Likes on their content videos hyping up this expansion gloss over this insane oversight??
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The tooltip always said you mount up on your Acherus Deathcharger.
Which is and has ALWAYS BEEN a ground only mount.
It is a ground mount. That is why we can’t fly. It is not and never has been a flying mount.
Make it so when we are in combat we can’t just fly away, i literally don’t care what you are saying it’s DEAD talent. Dead.
if i was a developer I would be literally seeking to unmake it being a dead talent.
It’s dead, but not because it can’t fly. It’s dead because the only places you can use it are places where you can fly, so it’s pointless.
Even in areas where you can use ground mounts, like certain dungeons or caves, you can’t stay on your charger. So there’s really no point to it. They honestly should just remove it or replace it as everyone takes Death Charge anyway.
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It’s annoying to need a keybind for a specific mount.
Get Invincible, problem solved.
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