Death strike confirmation

“Unleash a powerful strike that heals you for 20% of the damage you have sustained during the preceding 5 sec”

So does that mean i have to let enemies beat on me for 5 seconds and then use it to get my health back or is there a better way to use it? can any DK experts give tips on how death strike should be used?

edit: my bad, before.




edit: my bad, before.

Whether you are being serious, I suppose. To precede is to come before, so

is in reference to the damage taken in the 5 seconds before using Death Strike.



Not sure if you are trolling or serious, but preceding would mean before, not after.

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Oh true you know what having an off day, my bad


The tooltip also says:
(minimum of at least 7% of your maximum health) after that, so you will get at least 7% of your hp back, or as most as 20% of the damage taken in the last 5 seconds. Typically unless you recently took over 35% of your health in damage, you will only get 7%.

As a blood tank, you will also get a Blood shield on top of that, you can either hit death strike pre-emptively so that the shield increases your Effective health pool so that you can prepare for a massive hit, or you can death strike after being hit for both the heal and the shield to help your healer. If you are not about to take massive damage that would otherwise kill you, then you would want to use it AFTER being hit to benefit more.

Once you’re geared enough to the point where you are not gonna die quickly, you will wanna open with deathstrike because it causes massive damage and threat.

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Bro youre good just wanted to point that out. Good on you for being able to admit a mistake. Hope tomorrow goes better for you. Cheers.