I suspect that that’s likely a complication due to the implementation of Warmode.
YUP! And I killed Khadgar! https://prnt.sc/vkb26d
If being flagged in Stormwind for five minutes ruins your World of Warcraft experience you should probably just find some calming Dr Mario to play or something. Go AFK in Ironforge or Boralus for the single week.
I Infected Ironforge AND Boralus today and made alot of zombies. Only safe place is your garrison.
Bless you sir.
This is great, though I can’t help but feel it would have been better if it hadn’t received such heavy nerfs. That being said, still much fun.
I also killed Khadgar and did a massive rampage through outland infecting quest hubs. If you want to see the screenshots made a thread: https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/an-infectious-mages-journey-through-outland/722311
Thank you, blizzard!
Please disable the zombies in portal rooms!!! Its impossible to get where you need to go if you don’t wanna do it!
Ghouls can’t even go through the portal in Mage Tower leading to the portal room. What are you talking about?
They are tearing players to shreds as soon as you enter the portal tower in SW. In PVE.
Leveling is already nerfed to the ground why would they do that.
Good. This is how a Scourge invasion should be.
At the start of the old one, if you were solo you gradually decayed. You could stop that if you were with other zombies because you’d have a green cloud/aura around the group that healed and buffed you. So, zombies were strongly motivated to stay in packs. It wasn’t too hard to outrun them. The buff they gave took a long while to activate, but the more they bit you, the faster the timer went down.
As days progressed, that timer went down on its own until it was almost instant and zombies didn’t need to group up. We went from Paladins holding the line in front of Stormwind to hovering in the air in Shattrah because if you landed, you were toast.
What happened in Duskwood this morning, between zombie bombs and Frost Wyrms, death was almost instant. So we went from a gradual fight to completely overwhelmed, nothing in between.
Force flagging is not ok.
“World event”…shouldn’t be able to exclude yourself from it. Go hide in a dead capital city if you are that bothered.
it looks like it’s spread to warspear as well now. went there to buy some things on the ah and zombies everywhere.
Blizzard being completely honest, wouldn’t that be a sight.
If the Scourge is loose where are they this is so boring. Are they so scared to come out? This Pre Patch event doesn’t live up to what it’s suppose to at least Legion and Dark Iron Horde came out to play.
Loving this event and having fun. Also like the new hints to what is going on with the Jailor. Eating this up big time.