Death of the DH

I enjoy all the controversy here and the talk about it all. When I came back to WoW, after leaving in Cataclysm and skipping Carebear Land (MoP), I came back because Legion looked awesome. The fantasy of the Demon Hunter lured me back and I have played it ever since. Yes it is simple, easy to play and after a long day of work sometimes easy DPS where my muscle memory does most the work is kinda nice while laughing with friends and having a good time. Perhaps the nerfs are warranted to some degree, I admit it. But with the nonstop nerfing it feels to me like someone is beating the crap out of my favorite puppy.

Near the end of Legion I opted to challenge myself and try a class that challenged me, that I have always avoided because it looked daunting, Warlock. For the rest of legion I got my head around Affliction and enjoyed playing the class along with my DH. When BFA came around I kept playing Affliction despite it loosing some momentum, but stopped about mid BFA and went back to my DH for some more nostalgic fun. Since then I have been maining my DH because Affliction, despite the fun, was feeling like it was hitting like a wet noodle… I finished the expansion and went back to catch up my Affliction and finally got it up to speed.

When SL beta results started being announced I knew I was going to have to choose who to main in SL and who to set aside for a while at least, again. So since then I have been studying the videos, reading forums to weigh in on my decision. Warlock changes have been making me excited to see Affliction might be back in the game! while DH was just receiving nonstop beatings with the nerf bat. So I like them both ALOT, but in the end I’m going warlock because despite enjoying both classes along with their fantasy and playstyles, warlock looks better setup for SL while DH feels lackluster and dead. I love my DH, but it will sit on the shelf and age like a fine wine until they can make the class more viable and fun again.

As the original poster here, I want to say thank you to you all for the debates and chat but I still feel like DH has just received too much beating by Blizzard. I will be back one day my DH brothers and sisters, but for now I shall let my inner demons take hold and disappear into the shadows of the warlock. If I can’t be the demon, at least I can control the demon in some fashion! que the song Carry on my wayward son…

P.S. …sorry about the wall of text… I’ll send the docs your way lol…


Like demonic stated a few posts above me. Atleast in pvp, DH are the squishiest melee by far.

I get it, nerfs were needed. But they went about it the wrong way. Should of left the leech alone. The class was built off it. Given a talent to enhance it and other talents to compliment it. If you don’t think it’s good game design that’s fair. But to think blizz is going to do a full rework is laughable.

I was pretty hopeful but after playing a ton of skirms on beta, even in 2s If a DH even los his healer for like 2 seconds it can drop. It honestly feel like you have to pre blur just to be able to start to damage or you will die in a stun

Just watched haugs video about DH. If you haven’t go watch it. He killed it. Really put together well


Why do you say the class was OP and needed the nerfs when you know it was the borrowed power that was OP and they are already losing that in SL?

People that knowingly spread misinformation and act as if it’s the truth really gets under my skin.


“I get it, nerfs were needed”

OP Azurite gear traits is what was the issue though, and they are losing those traits in SL, so why do they need the nerfs?

For years I have seen people scream “nerf nerf nerf” at classes when it was the tier gear set pieces that was OP. I have seen some classes go years being a bad class due to being nerfed over that borrowed power. Some classes have paid the price of being op one xpac for over a decade like shaman did.

If Blizzard is nerfing then into the ground there is a good chance it’s because Blizzard thinks to many people are playing them. Blizzard has a long history of making a class undesirable to play instead of making other classes more desirable to fix a population issue. DH have FOTM issue due to the op borrowed power and I think this is their real goal to get people to move to a different class.

we only see this in the next expansion or in next patche, Only time will tell.

but I have seen better pvp players, and the best pvp players defined it as Warlocks and Rogues, I have not even seen in this 2 expansions that the best player in pvp is a DH.

It should, but even so because of its fast cooldown, it is only a single defensive skill, and I mean unique because of the style it has, in the case of the rogue, it still has 2 or 3 defensive skills

And in this new expansion without his evasive Blade dance 100%, I already think he only has one evasive skill in havok dps talent.

Because its leech and the blade dance dodge mechanic were op.

I do not know about blade dance, probably yes, but the leech is a problem, it is difficult to balance, or it does not work or it breaks at some point, personally I think that our healing should revolve around the lesser soul fragments (aka demonic appetite, no fury generation, base line)

Whats funny about that, is that Warlocks and Rogues are still on top in SL.


If you’re dying in SL, because of the leech and blur nerfs, more often than in BfA then you must have always sucked at the spec and those things were carrying you hard.

We’ve always been weak against casters because leech doesn’t do sh-t if you can’t hit the target and blade dance dodge doesn’t work on spells. The dodge mechanic in general doesn’t work on spells.

With the blur Damage Reduction nerf (15%) we’re now a bit weaker to casters than before, but it’s nothing new.

Blur still has an insanely short CD and gives us 50% dodge so most melee won’t have an easy time killing us, Rain from above literally makes us untouchable by melee, and we still have the darkness pvp talent to invalidate the burst attempts of many specs. We have plenty of defensive tools left.

The leech nerf hurts but our healing from leech outside of meta was never actually the thing keeping us alive. Soul Fragments did way more self healing than leech did outside of meta.

There is a soulbind in SL that increases the healing of soul frags by a lot and you can go Kyrian to get access to a healing pot that despells everything + a sigil that gives us on demand soul frags to heal most of health back (people aren’t playing it tho b/c idk)

Oh and what’s this? Immolation aura can despell debuffs now with a pvp talent. Yet more defensive tools.

Oh and the easiest to kill? HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHA. That cracks me up. Have you tried enhancement on the Beta or watched any videos? IT’s not just them, others are struggling with survivability, specs that don’t have ANY self healing.

The biggest threat in SL pvp on the beta is surviving burst attempts by classes like rogue and mage, who cc you and kill you.

Being vulnerable to being killed while CC’d has ALWAYS been our weakness. You know why? Leech and dodge doesn’t do sh-t when you’re stunned.

Get educated before spouting BS. That goes for all of you on here b-tching


I have not played DH on beta.

I said pretty plainly “Skill Capped stated Easiest to Kill Melee in SL, 3 Nerfs ago”

Feel free to argue with them :).

Lolol, bruh. You don’t have a single arena achievement. Please just stop while your ahead. Like not even not 1550… not even World Wide Winner…

Maybe don’t feel free to argue with Multi R1 players opinions when you have never done anything in arena, but thats up to you :).


Skill capped are retards that get their information from a very limited pool of “rank1 arena players”.

They said Ele shaman was bad in SL and then days later was like “OH NVM THEY’RE GREAT”. They also spoke bs about other specs.

Plus only them and the DH community have been saying DH is weak in PVP. Everyone else (like Supatease from the AWC) says that Havoc is weaker but still great.

  • Skill capped has always been bias towards Havoc and only focus on 3v3 arena in that video you mentions (We’ve mainly been dominant in 2v2)

  • A lot of DH players are salty we got survivability nerfs that are frankly kinda deserved (even if they suck for PvE)

Also, is that coming from a classic toon rn? Really?

Dude you have never played Competitive PVP in this game.

Stop while you are ahead.

Me being a classic toon is kind of irrelevant, as you chose to show your account. You have ZERO like None at all PVP achievements. None you litteraly do not play Rated PVP.

I am not in raid threads saying “you should balance this boss, it hits too hard on mythic, icy viens is wrong” while not even killing it on LFR.

Also they said Ele shaman was bad, and then a week and like 20 buffs later, said ya they are good NOW.

Thats because it got super buffed between those videos.

DH received 3 more def nerfs, after that first video.


You’re a very toxic forum poster, on this and many other posts.

What baffles me is you literally have no arena achievements beyond step into the arena.

Be better. Both in-game and in your treatment of others in the forums.


Wrong. Death grip and poisoned knife says hello.


Very Nice :fire:

You don’t pvp, you don’t push M+, you don’t even have a H Nzoth kill.

I’d say your opinion is pretty worthless on class balance.


Cezzar, what do you do? Pet battles in WOW then come on the forums and argue with people?


You have no idea what you’re talking about and I won’t care to explain. This is a class development forum. Go cry like a baby somewhere else.

On what basis do I have no idea what I am talking about? Your self sustain and tankiness for merely existing is beyond broken. And it is far more reasonable in shadowlands. Sorry your class is being taken down a peg, don’t project your anger on me.

no, it is not, in SL we are made of gelatin. The problem is that the DH is poorly designed, right, our defenses were very strong, but the level of nerf that they have given us has left us on the ground, it has been excessive considering that there has been no rework in the class to rebalance it .

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